
Currently on the Needles

Surprise!  New book and new project :)  Yes I'm still making progress on this sweater and this shawl .  But for some strange reason, I felt like starting another pair of socks this time for me!  No ravelry page as of yet, but soon.  The yarn is online supersocke .  The sad news is yesterday at the very end of the day my left hand started to ache.  So much so that I think I need to ease up on the knitting for a few days. I have no idea why it hurts but I am suspecting the cotton (yes the dreaded cotton grr) yarn I was knitting with for my swap partner caused some strain.  Fingers crossed it's temporary. I'm still reading Nella Last's War  but nearly finished.  I am enjoying the book but it is slow going for me.  So last night I decided to start The Lavender Garden by Lucinda Riley.  To early to opine but it's also set partially in WWII.  This book is set in the present day and visiting the past to solve a mystery kind of book.  I do enjoy solving past mysteri

The Knitting Life List

Fun Facts about my Knitting Life -I love double pointed needles over two circulars or magic loop -I knit all of my socks on size 2 needles -I prefer cuff down socks -my favorite interchangeable needles are chiaogoo Twist . -wool and other animal fibers are my go to yarns of choice if silk is added well that's even better -I shy away from plant fibers-too hard on my hands -I love to knit simple hats and read at the same time -I can listen to anything and anyone and knit anything -I cannot talk and knit at the same time very well.  I stop one or the other. -my mother and my mother in law knit in the past -I have saved every hand knit for each baby-tucked away for future grands -my sister and my sister in law knits -I inherited a LOT of yarn from my mother, it's tucked away in my closet -I started to knit before my teen years -my first successful knit was a fisherman's boat neck sweater in mint green, at 18 years of age -I still have that mint green swea


This weekend in list form: -more snow! -a short quick visit from my daughter -homemade pizza -finishing up homemade cookies :( -constantly looking at boots, gloves, hats, scarves drying on the floor -knitting quick gifts for the blog swap -long afternoons of reading leisurely -all caught up on chores each day only to start all over again the next day -a walk in 23 degrees and thinking it's a warm day Joining Amanda

Tree Whispering and Being in the Moment

I know all of you summer lovers out there in the world are groaning with more snow photos, but that is all I have outside is snow.  As a winter lover I'm embracing the season and enjoying the views.  February is a quiet month-a still month.  Outside the air barely moves and the trees stop whispering when the wind blows.  Each day I hear more birds chirping, they know that spring will soon be here.  So I go outside and soak up the winter sun. Sunshine and snow go beautifully together.  Sometimes the snow sparkles and winks at you.  Bundled up with scarf, mittens and a hat, I fumble with my camera trying to balance with grace while capturing the winter beauty.  All of my swirling thoughts--errands to run, my kids, and what should be for dinner--stop.  I am in the moment.  Photography does that, it commands a presence of now. Frodo is feeling better, thank you for your kind words and wishes.  He is hiding right now under the ottoman but he does come out to play and we h

Currently On the Needles

I'm making great progress on my shawl , the pattern is etched in my memory and I can pick it up and knit away happily with little snags.  This is not autopilot knitting but I don't need full concentration either.  I'm thrilled to be in a happy knitting place.  I love completing a repeat which takes longer and longer as the shawl continues to grow.  This shawl is just perfect for winter storm knitting.  Lucky for me, there is a storm outside today with inches of snow tipping down. Ah, my reading is interesting.   Nella Last's War is a compelling read but not a fast read.  I am reading this near the end of the day and after a few pages I'm tired and ready for bed.  I love her point of view of the war.  She is my age with two adult boys who are involved in serving for the war.  Her feelings, her strength during challenges is moving.  I believe if I met her today we would be fast friends. What are you knitting and reading this week ? Joining Ginny and Frontie

Kelp Cardigan Progress

Oh daylight where are you?  I love winter but I miss light, light for photography indoors early in the morning.  Each day there is a wee bit more, but not enough for when I want to snap a photo.  Anyways, I guess I'm done whining for now :) The cardigan is coming along quite nicely.  Once I separated for the sleeves and knit about an inch of the body, I inserted some waist shaping decreases located to the right and the left of the side seams 20 stitches each way.  Waist shaping should land a bit away from the side, kind of like a dart. Yesterday while watching Downton Abbey, I picked up the sweater and saw a decreasing mistake.  So for about 30 minutes I dropped four stitches down 9 rows and corrected the mistake successfully without ripping out all that knitting.  Once the mistake was fixed, I lost interest in knitting.  Maybe I was mad?  Not sure, but today, all is forgiven and I'm ready to add some more inches!!


The weekend was so nice, slow and quiet.  I witnessed a beautiful sunrise while picking up the newspaper yesterday morning.  There was: -body shaping decreases beginning on my knitted cardigan -a walk, finally, outside with my husband and dog -grilled cheese and soup again for a meal-could be a weekly ritual -a return to salads -a little bit of Dr. Who -and a little bit of Mystery Science Theater -phone calls from the kids -chicken wings (homemade by my husband of course) -NOT football watching but looking every time my husband gasp and asking what happened... -waking up this morning to MORE SNOW whee :) How was your weekend?? Joining Amanda

Finding Comfort, Finished Socks and Focusing

I finished the socks for my husband yesterday-done!  I'd like to have a pair of socks on the needles at all times so today I'll dig through the "stash" and find the future pair to be.  My knitting has been productive and comforting through these cold cold days.  Isn't it strange to find weather in the 20 degree range warm?  It's all perspective. Frodo hasn't been feeling himself.  He's been hiding under the ottoman, so toasty and warm, we should all have an ottoman to climb under for comfort.  I did take him to the vet and his Lyme test was very high.  He has tested positive for Lyme twice before in his past.  So he's on medicine again and we wait for the wellness to begin.  I believe he will be enjoying his ottoman days until the weather warms up. All those beautiful deer that walk through our property come at a price.  He is on monthly flea and tick preventative and we search every day for those nasty little ticks.  Unfortunately h

Hold Dear to my Heart

For over thirty years I've carried this rosary given to me by my favorite aunt.  The aunt that is knit worthy, who is my godmother and my confirmation sponsor all those years ago.  I was thirteen years old when I received the sacrament of Confirmation.  My parents had a picnic party out in the back yard after the ceremony and  I remember my aunt giving me this rosary to mark my entrance into the Catholic faith and the sunny day with cherry blossoms in the air.  My youth surrounding me and my future yet unknown. This rosary has been tucked in my purse and followed me through my high school years and college years, moving from state to state early on in my marriage.  I've held it close to me during challenging times.  This rosary was a source of strength when my mother died in my thirties.  Many emergency room visits with a son who was accident prone and a mother with a knack for making worrying a full time job.  I carry this rosary and it grounds me. The tiny cross wa

The Knits of the Week

If my knitting needles could catch on fire from all the knitting I've been doing, well wouldn't that be a sight to see?  I've photoed what I was knitting all day yesterday.  The socks , the socks that have been languishing in my bag, the socks that I want off the needles, the socks that are nearly nearly done.  They are for my husband, he needs at least three pairs so I can toss the pairs that are unmendable (not a word but it describes the socks).  I am also knitting away on my shawl and my sweater .  I'm enjoying all three projects equally for different reasons.  The socks and the sweater can be knit while reading, and the shawl is my more involved knit that requires my attention. I finished a book yesterday that you must read.   The Postmistress  by Sarah Blake, was captivating.  During the start through the finish I could not figure out what was going to happen next, so I kept on reading.  Truly a sign of a fantastic book.  The novel was also a quick read for


inside looking out My weekend was a simple quiet weekend. Sightings: -the way the sun angled in the sky illuminating my fence just so. -four (four!) chickadees and one cardinal flitting about the trees at the edge of my woods.  Hearing their landings while they search for berries -fresh deer tracks every single morning crossing the driveway that hasn't been snowblowed -flurries every day causing a dusting that is enough to delight Foods: -finishing up the blueberry muffins, a dozen lasts forever when there's only two of us -simple soup and grilled cheese for dinner yesterday -left over curry from the freezer Saturday -cutting into THE perfect avocado :) Thoughts: -relishing the quiet mornings with my coffee and notebooks -enjoying my current knits on the needles and contemplating a sweater for my husband -noticing the daylight that is added each morning and night-hello!! -treasuring friendships where you pick up where you left off after the last ge