
Hats and Mitts

  Two weekends ago, yet it feels like last weekend, I went on a crazy knitting frenzy and whipped up TWO hats and TWO pairs of mitts. The bear hat  and mitts are for our grandson for Christmas. I never get tired of knitting this pattern, I've made it many times. For my grandnephew I made a car hat and mitts . He is going to be two years old in January and he loves everything that is cars and trucks. Let's see if he will wear a 'car' themed hat even though he hates hats! You never know with toddlers. What are you knitting this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was pretty nice overall. My husband and I went to a garden center for ONE pumpkin for the front door and ONE mum to be planted in the front yard. Last year we bought three mums and none of them survived. I have no idea why, but also those pesky deer nibble them as well. So why invest in them if they will be disappearing? The weather continues to be gloriously lovely. Definitely cool days and sometimes drizzly like yesterday. We took a walk in the drizzle mist and gosh it was refreshing. Even Frodo loved it. I love this in between weather! I did not take a photo of my manic gnome making for the holidays. I have tons of worsted weight wool scraps and I'm just winging it as I go. What fun! Kat  has made many beautiful gnomes! I have dreams of depleting the scrap bag.....let's see if that dream becomes reality. How was your weekend?

This and That

  The last day of September! This month went fast for me and with the fastness came lovely cooler weather that seems to be endless in the forecast every morning when I check on it. My husband is sad that summer is over and keeps hoping for a mini heat wave, not me at all. Being cold is where I want to be! I've been furiously knitting Christmas presents that I will share next week with you in detail. On a whim I cast on something for myself but now I'm rethinking the yarn and the colors I chose for the project. So until I figure out exactly what I am doing that little project is on a temporary hold. I've been sketching daily, well I'm trying to sketch daily. I feel rusty and the only way to 'unrust' my skills is to practice every single day. I have all the pencils right by my side along with my sketchbook so there's no excuse for me. Frodo and I have been thoroughly enjoying our daily walks in the neighborhood. Each time I'm outside I make a mental note o

Denim Blue Pullover

  Finally!  I finished this sweater that felt like it was on the needles forever. My sister gave me the yarn from someone who gave it to her from someone's stash. As you can see from the three skeins, one skein had less color variation and wasn't it lucky that I started the sweater with the odd skein first? (The universe was smiling upon me!). I've made this sweater before , and decided to drop down one size because I was a little short on yardage. Also the first sweater was roomy enough to make that decision on the second sweater. I did not run out of yarn and even had several yards left over. Now all I need is some freezing cold weather to wear it! What are you working on this week?


  Maybe, just maybe I have regained my energy levels after the trip to Cambridge MA last weekend. I've been knitting furiously both Saturday and Sunday thoroughly enjoying a burst of creative energy from the cold weather we are having and will continue to have this week. Saturday morning I wore wool on my walk, first time of the season!  Holly have been a little devil over the weekend. She keeps sneaking up on Frodo. Most of the time he is asleep but she thinks it's great fun! She is living her best life. Frodo is too.  I started knitting Christmas gifts for my grandson and my grand nephew. Almost done!! My weekend contained: -homemade chicken noodle soup - lunch out with my dad and step mom - daily walks with Frodo in the chilly air - lots of reading - lots of knitting - a phone call from our son - watching 'the US and the Holocaust' documentary by Ken Burns (highly recommend!) - four loads of laundry - a squeaky clean kitchen floor - apple cake -  How was your

Whether the Weather

  Good morning! I hope you've had a fabulous week. My week was perfection, I spent each day catching up on all those tasks that were set aside for traveling. I'm currently sitting in my kitchen drinking my last cup of morning coffee before the day officially begins. The weather is deliciously cold (gah!). Yesterday was windy which turned warm air into autumnal breezes. The week's forecast is going to be cold, finally. We had lunch outside on the patio probably for the last time earlier this week. Well, at least I had my last lunch, my husband might just sit out there in the cold clinging onto the dregs of summer living. He is so sad that autumn has arrived. I am not, I've been daydreaming of sweater wearing weather for about six weeks.  Yesterday I focused on knitting and finishing the sweater , all day long and as you can see by the above photo it is drying after a little bit of soaking and mild blocking. My husband thinks Holly will sit on it, I do not. Who would wan

Knitting News

  I am so excited that I'm on my second sleeve and over half way on that second sleeve. I had grand plans to finish this sweater on my weekend trip to Cambridge MA but that was lofty and impractical. I've been asked if I knit in the car, the answer is YES but I frequently zone out and daydream or take in the scenery. More often than not, I tell my husband how to drive which annoys him to no end. I have lofty goals of having this sweater finished by next Wednesday but I know that I am sporadic in my knitting attention these days. Please send all the good finishing vibes if you can. Below is a photo of the two skeins of yarn I purchased at Mind's Eye Yarns  in Cambridge MA and so close to our hotel that we stayed at. I'm thinking his and her matching pair of socks. What a sweet little store that was jammed packed with yarn. I was in heaven. What are you working on this week?