

  Currently I'm enjoying the spring weather. One day it's cold the next day it's hot. Regardless of whether it's cold or hot, the flowers still bloom and the sun still shines. Yesterday my husband and I sat on the back patio in the afternoon and it felt like summertime. I'm dressing in layers so I am ready for whatever the weather might be.  Currently I'm feeling the urge to paint and sketch. There are no goals, I'm just doing whatever I want on a whim. Doodles are calling me and exploring abstract composition also is inviting. No matter the inspiration, I'm excited to finally be exploring with my art supplies.  Currently Holly is being a bold cat, sneaking in while Frodo sleeps. To her advantage, he cannot hear well so she has more liberty in her movements. She loves to bring toy mice to my husband and there are usually four or five toy mice in areas where he is sitting. So cute.

Knitting News

  I have three projects going at the same time and yesterday each one had a little bit of attention brought to them. First off is the sweater in the above photo. I am wondering if I have enough yarn and yet I keep knitting. Sometimes it's fun to flirt with yarn shortage. Next up is the baby blanket , I mainly work on this in the evenings and love every blessed stitch! My last project is the cowl that I've knit many times but only own two of them. The rest were gift knits. I love this project and I hope I can block it a bit wider than it's coming out.  What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was restive and I'm ready for a brand new week to start. I am feeling much better and after a whole week of not exercising, I'm jumping back into my daily routine. I need to stretch and move. Did you get the ridiculous warm weather? Gosh it was beautiful which will make the cold days ahead that much more challenging tolerate. Poor Frodo has a 'summer' cut and is shivering. My entire weekend was huddled up at home and chilling out. I pulled out my paints to start some little loose floral pictures as gifts. I had fun! The photo above is the beginning process and not completed. I also read a bit and knitted a lot. I drank gallons of water or tea. The baby blanket is coming along. I enjoy adding rows and chilling out.


  Can you believe the crazy weather these days? Yesterday was 80 degrees and today is going to be higher than that. It's too soon! My dogwoods are starting to bloom and it feels a bit early to me.  I've been thinking about how I give myself grace. Sure it's easy to give grace to others and it comes easily.  I wonder why I'm so hard on myself especially if I am not feeling well. Living with a chronic autoimmune disorder (Sjogren's Syndrome) and trying to come up with the best ways to manage my symptoms and eliminate triggers, I lose sight on accepting my reality and just giving myself grace. After battling sinus issues for most of this week and a runny nose for three weeks, I saw my doctor and now have some medicines to get me back to feeling healthy. Phew! I'm doing my best! So how do I give myself grace? Being mindful in each moment is helpful. Journaling my thoughts, feelings and pouring my heart out onto the paper with a favorite fountain pen, the best free t

Green Blue Striped Socks

  Last night I finished a pair of socks for my husband. While I do like the striping sequence, I didn't like trying to make them 'matchy-matchy'. However I did succeed! He already has the socks in his sock drawer. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Ours was upside down but overall nice.  Yesterday I had every intention to go to Mass but when I talked to my husband and heard how congested I was (allergies? cold?) I decided no one wanted to be near me and if I was contagious I didn't want to share my germs. With additional medicines, my husband is finally feeling a bit better. Fingers are crossed he has crossed over to good health after two weeks of symptoms. We cancelled going over to my sister and brother in law's house for Easter dinner. However, my sister kindly brought dinner to us! How sweet is that? I am beyond grateful and dinner was delicious. I managed to knit the second sock and have completed turning the heel and picking up the gusset. I am so close to the sock being finished now.


  Hello! How are you all doing? If you celebrate Easter, are you ready? My sister is hosting this year and it will be a very small gathering. This week has been relaunching my 'regular' life. After playing catchup with all that was left undone before we went to Indiana, I've been slowly re-entering my daily habits. My husband is still dealing with a nasty asthma flare up. These spring allergies are crazy! During an intense heat up in one day, we quickly assembled our back patio only to welcome back cold cold weather. Yesterday it rained all day and I drove up to my dad's house for a little visit. I haven't seen him since he was in the hospital. Frodo strained a shoulder muscle before our trip and is good as new after his kennel stay. He is back at 'patrolling' the neighborhood. (patrolling is code for barking). He loves when the kids get off the bus! I've been seeking inspiration in my life. Whenever I think of a meal that we both like and I haven't