

  Hello friends! How are you doing? How was your weekend? My brother in law and sister in law from Ottawa, Ontario visited us from Wednesday afternoon through Sunday morning. We haven't seen them since September 2019 and we were grateful they drove down here to visit us after visiting my mother in law. On Thursday, we took them to the Phipps Conservatory . (I know I was there just last Sunday!) My husband and I enjoyed the second pass through the greenhouses.  On Friday morning we went to the Strip district  and walked around dropping into some stores then having lunch at a local pizza shop. On Saturday, we visited the Carnegie Science Center so they could see the miniature train display. Each day we went out for lunch and then I cooked dinner at home. The weather was spectacular so dinner was outside on the patio. We had the best time ever.  We did lots and lots of talking, laughing and catching up. I did little to no knitting!  How was your weekend?

Knitting News

  This past week I've been working on the baby blanket and am so very close to the last repeat section then of course I will be doing the edging. Maybe I'll finish this within a week but then again maybe not. We have company arriving today and staying with us until Sunday.  What are you working on this week? 


  How was your weekend? Yesterday we went to the P hipps Conservatory with my sister and brother in law and had a fabulous time. This is our second year of having memberships and the displays are wonderful. We go right when it opens so that the plants are abundant and the people are few. I had a restorative weekend. Lots and lots of downtime while slowly taking care of tasks around the house. We have company coming and staying with us starting on Wednesday so every day I clean a little bit more of the house. I remember the days when I could clean the whole house in a single day with babies. I guess I could do it in a single day but I'm not motivated, where is the fun in that?! I'm feeling so much better now that I am home and resting after our trip. Today I'm starting up my strength training/yoga practice after a whole week off.  How was your weekend?

Home Sweet Home

  Good morning! How is everyone this morning? I was away visiting my mother-in-law for most of the week with my husband and returned home yesterday afternoon. Oh my, the older I get the more I am a homebody thru and thru. This visit was challenging because I had some weird stomach bug the day I arrived and could barely function.  Thankfully it was short lived but the recovery phase was long and I still don't feel quite like myself. It was nice to see family but it was even nicer to be home. Sadly I did not take many photos. I did knit in the car though!  Believe it or not, the sun is out! I feel like a vampire squinting and shielding my eyes, ha ha. Later today after the BIG blog reading catch up and internet stuff catch up, I'll walk Frodo and soak in the sunshine. Maybe it'll be warm enough to sit on the back patio. Gratitudes: -my bed - my kitchen - my coffee mug - my coffee! - silence - Frodo snuggles - phone calls from the kids - mighty to do lists! - big salads - suns


  Don't you love the candid photos of Holly, she always looks like she's feeling guilty of something. This photo was taken around 5:30 in the morning and I have never seen her sleep on that chair. Amazing! How are you? How was your weekend? My weekend was wet. I feel like we are in the rainy season. Today I have all the lights on to make me feel like there is brightness somewhere in my world. Friday night we went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner and game night. Our game nights have been on hiatus due to my dad doing his ICU thing. (he's doing well at home!!). So we are easing back into our regular habits. Saturday I didn't do much except read or knit. I kind of wallowed in rainy day despair. Sunday is different, I'm completely ignoring the weather to the best of my ability and making my on sunny day. I painted a bit and did the laundry.  I'm getting excited about the baby blanket progress. I dug through deep deep stash and unearthed so

Rainy Friday

  Good morning to all of you on this rainy Friday morning. This past week I enjoyed lots of sunny days and so I must let them go and welcome the rain. I'm reminding myself that the flowers will grow and the green will become greener, if that is a word, okay, maybe 'more green'. How are you doing?  I have been enjoying my knitting nearly every single day. And as always creative pursuits are coming along as well. Most of March was a minimally creative experience because of my dad in the hospital. This past Tuesday we drove up to visit him and my step mom and it was wonderful to see him up and about talking and planning out all he wants to do around his property as he continues to feel better. I feel the maximum amount of gratitude. In my creativeness the first thing to disappear during stress is consistent artwork sessions. For some reason, showing up and sketching or painting is the last thing I want to do. I tend to read a bunch or knit a bunch. The knitting is simple and t

Knitting News

  I love when Frodo gives me that look that says 'you're in my space'. Too funny! How are you? How has your crafting been this week? Mine has been slow going but I'm enjoying my slow going progress. I'm savoring the knitting process. The above photo is my lavender cowl that I pick up in the afternoons for a few rows sometimes I read my kindle or sometimes I listen to a podcast.  The bottom photo is the baby blanket that makes steady progress each and every single evening if we are watching a show on TV. I love the repetitive pattern and how easy it is to pick up and knit. What are you working on this week?