Rainy Friday


Good morning to all of you on this rainy Friday morning. This past week I enjoyed lots of sunny days and so I must let them go and welcome the rain. I'm reminding myself that the flowers will grow and the green will become greener, if that is a word, okay, maybe 'more green'. How are you doing? 

I have been enjoying my knitting nearly every single day. And as always creative pursuits are coming along as well. Most of March was a minimally creative experience because of my dad in the hospital. This past Tuesday we drove up to visit him and my step mom and it was wonderful to see him up and about talking and planning out all he wants to do around his property as he continues to feel better. I feel the maximum amount of gratitude.

In my creativeness the first thing to disappear during stress is consistent artwork sessions. For some reason, showing up and sketching or painting is the last thing I want to do. I tend to read a bunch or knit a bunch. The knitting is simple and the book is usually a cozy read.

Lately I've been 'doodling'. Just exploring my limited paint palette and creating different color mixes while sitting on the loveseat. I'm using the cheapest art sketch book paper that is NOT watercolor friendly and I don't care. All of this low level art creating gives space for my creativity and allows maximum exploration and self-expression. It's where I want to be right now.

On my daily walks I'm fully present to what I see and hear. Spring is in full force and it's not even May! I've been thinking about what I want to knit for the granddaughter to be and the list is building. I'm nearly recovered from cross stitching on linen cloth and am ready to start shopping for a birth sampler pattern for her. A perfect summer project.


  1. Pretty, pretty doodles. Such good words about your Dad - so nice to hear he is anxious to do things around his property. His recovery is marvelous! Enjoy your rainy day and be cozy. Have fun with all your pursuits - you are very creative and very talented.

  2. It's wonderful that your Dad is doing so well and I hope that continues, and the same is true for all your creative pursuits. Keep doodling and knitting!

  3. I am so glad your Dad is better!!

  4. Good to hear that your dad is so much better. I love the doodles and the knitting you have been doing. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  5. I love those pages in the first picture. I always want to do something like that, but I never get to it. The doodles look really good too. Glad you're back at it.

  6. We had a ton of rain yesterday and sunshine today. I can practically hear the grass growing! Love all the artwork. Can't wait to see what you decide to create for the new granddaughter.

  7. Your knitting is lovely. I really like your painting. I look forward to seeing that birth announcement.

  8. How wonderful that your Dad is recovering well. Your artwork is so much fun. Have fun day dreaming about knitting for the new little granddaughter.

  9. I am pleased to hear your dad is on the mend. I found that, when my dad was ill, I needed to keep my hands busy with something. The downside is that those items have an association with a stressful time now... but I guess you have to take that aspect of it along as well. And who cares about the "right" paper? The "correct" way to do art is to do it with your soul. And there you have it!


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