
Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you? My knitting has been on fantastic. I continue to limit how much time I spend on my knitting so I avoid and prevent a wrist flare coming back. I have been quite successful. Since I'm limiting the amount of time I knit, my progress is slow. The socks are coming along nicely. Today I should be at the heel flap and once I turn a heel the rest is down hill for me. I swore these were the last pair of socks but I will be making more just not for my husband. I a few people I could knit socks for the holidays. I'm still thinking about it. The lace scarf  (which is a holiday gift) is growing! I love to sit and do a few repeats each day mid morning. I cannot do anything else since it's lacework so it's meditative for me. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? Mine was relaxing and 'ordinary'. I spent most of Saturday reading books or knitting or sitting and relaxing. It was a fantastic restful day. Frodo is getting old and only wants to sit outside for about 20 minutes then he wants back inside.  On Sunday, we went to Mass and I endured a speaker (after the sermon) who was going to 'keep it short' which is code for another 10 minutes which is not short at all. My wish and desire is that they put it in the bulletin.  Sunday afternoon was more of the same as on Saturday just add my laundry. I sketched (!) on both days, feeling rusty but definitely loving the time I spent in my sketchbook. How was your weekend?

Hocking Hills

  Last Thursday, we left with my husband's brother and sister in law to go to Hocking Hills, Ohio to meet up with our son, daughter in law and our grandkids at a lodge rental in the woods until Monday morning. We had so much fun! We did some hiking and ate out at restaurants and did the tiniest bit of shopping. Our grandson loved being outside, collecting rocks and other treasures. Our granddaughter crawls and sits up and loved to make a beeline for an outlet or a cord (who wouldn't??). Our grandson is in the terrible twos stage and had a melt down at least once a day. I wish I could act like that when I am discontent - It would be cathartic and freeing, but kind of alienating to those around me. Being the Grammy, I found it endearing but little too loud. We had nice weather, chilly but mostly dry. I was disappointed in the lack of cell phone reception at the lodge but they had mediocre wifi so I was connected sporadically. Since we both have elderly parents, I want that connec

Knitting News

 Well, look at that! I am on the second sock . We had a lovely getaway and I came back home Monday. I am still playing the great catch up game that I always do when I arrive home. On Friday I will post about our long weekend. For now I am focusing on this second sock and this will probably be the last pair of socks for my husband for quite a while. (unless I change my mind!). These will not match and I have come to peace with that. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you all doing on this fine Wednesday morning. My knitting has been minimal but I am slowly plugging away on this sock (still on the first one but oh so close to the toe shaping). The above photo makes the color-way look much better than it does in real life. Once these socks are finished, I will be taking a break from knitting socks for my husband.  I have family visiting this week and so I am planning a blog break until next week. Adventuring takes a lot of time as I age, ha ha.  What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good! Whatever allergy thing I was was suffering with for almost a week seems to be almost over. However, when I take Frodo for a walk this morning, I'm sure it will start all over again. We didn't do much this weekend. He worked on the finishing touches of the deck flooring and I did a lot of laundry and started to clean the house. Today I'll finish up what I didn't get done yesterday. Even though it rained over the weekend, I rather enjoyed it. My sister and I went out to a farmer's market on Saturday morning. We bought 'salad turnips' which tasted really good! She's going to grow some in her garden this year because of our adventurous purchase. I do love new things to put in a salad. My knitting remains the same: a pair of socks for my husband and a lace scarf. Both are doing okay. Sunday morning we went to Mass and had taco salad for dinner. How was your weekend?


  Hello! Good morning! How are you? After arriving home from our little getaway to see the grands, I caught up on rest and sleep within 48 hours. There is nothing like your own bed to help ease back into 'ordinary' time. I am doing all the boring things and missing the grandchildren.  All of a sudden, spring is here. The trees are mostly leafed out and so many flowers are blooming in the neighborhood. Of course, the weather became hot, hinting at summer days ahead. For now I'm enjoying the spring. The month of May reminds me of my paternal grandmother who absolutely loved this month and all of the flowers her children would buy her on Mother's Day and then again on her birthday. Her yard was teeming with spring bulb plants.  My husband is mostly done with replacing the deck flooring. He enjoyed the project and wants to get back to regular job tasks. We have done a lot in updating this house. We have more to do but the list gets easier. I wrote a gratitude list in my art