Knitting News


Good morning! How are you?

My knitting has been on fantastic. I continue to limit how much time I spend on my knitting so I avoid and prevent a wrist flare coming back. I have been quite successful. Since I'm limiting the amount of time I knit, my progress is slow.

The socks are coming along nicely. Today I should be at the heel flap and once I turn a heel the rest is down hill for me. I swore these were the last pair of socks but I will be making more just not for my husband. I a few people I could knit socks for the holidays. I'm still thinking about it.

The lace scarf (which is a holiday gift) is growing! I love to sit and do a few repeats each day mid morning. I cannot do anything else since it's lacework so it's meditative for me.

What are you working on this week?


  1. Even though neither me or my husband really "need" more socks, I keep knitting them! Your lace scarf is so pretty. What a lovely shade of yarn.

  2. I love that sock pattern but your lace scarf... wow! Just gorgeous!

  3. Love those socks! I too am working on a scarf. Not very lacy but it's a 4 row repeat vine lace. Easily memorized. I do a couple repeats a day on it. It's just for me so I have until winter to get it done. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial weekend!

  4. Your socks look good and your scarf is beautiful! I had forgotten about it, but I love the color and pattern.

  5. I keep knitting socks, too; there's all that fingering yarn to use up, right? That scarf is beautiful!!

  6. Yay for the sock project coming close to being finished! And the lace scarf is beautiful!

  7. The lace scarf is just beautiful. I love the color of the yarn with the lace pattern. When I'm in the right frame of mind, I love knitting lace. I agree with you - it is meditative.

  8. Lovely knitting, the scarf is beautiful. I've not been knitting lately, I've been reading whilst getting over a cold. Must get back to it x

  9. Your knitting is just lovely. The person that receives the scarf is going to be very lucky...and stylish!

  10. Your socks look great and the scarf is going to be gorgeous when you’re finished!

  11. Beautiful. The colors of both scarf and socks are great.

  12. I am working on a bit more balance with knitting and stitching and paying attention to my joints. I have been fortunate to avoid most of the common over-knitting issues but my aging body appreciates it when I take breaks. That scarf is really pretty.


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