
My weekend is slowly wrapping up.  I'm sitting on the loveseat with the laptop and lots to tell you.  Saturday during the day, I enjoyed the electricity and quiet.  I read many pages of Washington while knitting at the same time.

People often ask me how I do both at the same time, well I have a few pointers:

1)  Definitely have a floppy book that stays opened or a Kindle.  If the book is slightly resistant, I use my phone as a weight.

2) Definitely have SUPER easy knitting, my super easy is stockinette or garter stitch.  I can also do broken rib or double moss stitch without a mistake. 

3) Practice!  Do a stitch without looking, then do another. 

4) wool or a tightly wound spring yarn works best.  Do not knit with splitty yarns, there will be mistakes.

find Holly the cat, we call her Mrs Kravitz (from Bewitched)
Holly has been a very social cat for being mostly anti social over all.  She loves to see what Frodo is doing.  I love when she sneaks about and he doesn't hear her.  I also love when she runs noisily down the hallway which is cat language for 'catch me catch me!'. 

Frodo will never catch her, he is not fast enough.

The snow has finally been removed from the driveway.  Call me crazy but it's beautiful to behold, the snow not the driveway.  Our power went out briefly again Saturday night, they were repairing the repair based on how swift the lights turned back on.  We still groaned when they went out. 

I started a sweet little hat for the toddler girl over the weekend because she needs a hat and I had left over wool from the sweater.  I like to take her outside for a brief period of time to get some fresh air whenever I babysit.

Today was quiet and I chatted with both kids.  We are gearing up to a busy week with Thanksgiving next Thursday.  I have a list that will hopefully serve me well so I remember to do everything. 

Yesterday and today, I played Christmas music and was filled with sheer happiness. 

How was your weekend?


  1. Super cute hat. My pups are curled up together cause they think 70 degrees is below freezing lol. With Frodo and Holly you dont6need much TV for entertainment. Sitting here knitting on a sock while hubby watches football.

  2. I love any snow -- well, maybe not after it's dirty from car exhaust!
    I appreciate your tips on knitting and reading, but I have too much trouble with dropped stitches. Luckily for me, there is Audible!
    I love doing little hats. They are so fast!

  3. Hooray for a real snow storm. We had an inch or so yesterday that was unexpected but welcome by me. I stayed home and resumed knitting on Norah's Christmas stocking. Quiet weekend otherwise but it is nice to be home. I am dreaming of shawl knitting - something with some garter stitch and uncomplicated after this stocking.

  4. P.S. That is a lucky little toddler to have you to care for her and to take her out for some fresh air. I like the added color work on the hat. It is fun to add a little something to hats isn't it?

  5. I had a lovely weekend. There was sunshine that made it easy to get out for walks, good food, coffee with a friend, knitting, sewing - just what I needed.

  6. Great weekend here: celebrated Thanksgiving early with family as they will be gone on Thursday and then today met a friend for tea and knitting and then had more tea with a new neighbor who's also in our church choir.

  7. My weekend was pretty good - some Christmas knitting, the beginning of Thanksgiving preparations, and the delivery of two new amaryllis bulbs! You're very kind to knit your toddler friend a warm hat.

  8. Our weekend was quiet, reflective and yet very exciting making plans with family for our visits. Thank you for your continued prayers for Gerard. Love the colour combination of the hat, looking forward to seeing the finish.

  9. Your weekend sounds so lovely! I love that Holly and Frodo are able to be in the same room together. I'm sure in their own minds they are both best friends as well as mortal enemies. :-)

  10. My weekend was all about refining the lists I need for the last minute shopping I'll do early tomorrow. Smith's family (brother and s-i-l) will be here and I want their stay to be lovely. Food is always my challenge! Mylo would love to have a kitty to watch him and to chase...that will never be. :)

  11. I am with you on the Christmas music... the joy and happiness that filled me was priceless! Perhaps that is the key to getting through these uncertain days... Christmas hope and joy!

  12. Wow, you can feel the cold in that photo of your house in the snow. Glad your lights came back on quickly!

  13. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Love the picture of Frodo under the blanket...and Holly hiding under the sofa is just too darn cute. Your toddler girl is going to be all decked out in warmth! The hat is so pretty.

  14. I almost didn't see her hiding under the sofa.. sneaky cat


  15. Everything looks positively cozy! I love seeing pics of your sweet Holly and Frodo, so sweet :)

  16. have a blessed week of Thanksgiving and may all your prep for Thanksgiving go well and with much peace!

  17. Your weekend sounds peaceful and beautiful. Wishing you a great week.

  18. That hat sure looks squishy. I loved reading how Holly sneaks around Frodo. The first pic of him made me smile.

  19. oh sweet Frodo! I "gave" Holly two of the little boy blankets/quilts last week ... she loves to cuddle under them. the rest of your photos look more like mid-December than November. But I do have Alexa playing "classical Christmas" right now and it's Greensleeves. and it's lovely.

  20. However did I miss this gorgeous post? I love the hat plans. I love the kitty down the hall move...it happens here with kitty chase kitty. Im ready for holiday music for sure. I also am starting to see trees lit up, indoors and out. IT brings me great joy. I need to put up my outdoor white lights. After Thanksgiving......I will


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