Knitting News

Maybe you cannot see it, but I am making steady progress on my pink cardigan.  I'm about over half way done with the body of the sweater.  Knitting with cotton is a little slow going for me since there isn't much 'spring' in the yarn.  However, I dedicate time each and every day adding inches.

The gradient shawl in the above photo is my TV knitting which is soft and wonderful to sit, knit and add a few rows during a show.  I'm nearly done with the second section of the pattern and then I'll be doing the border.  So close!

I was delighted this week to pick up the books I reserved with our county traveling library.  It's been forever since I've stepped foot into a bookstore or a library.  Curbside pickup is wonderful!  I also check out the ebook library but many of the books I want have a long wait list.  I'm too impatient I guess.  However, I do place holds every now and then.  I'm excited to do a deep dive into that Tasha Tudor book!

What have you been working on this week?


  1. I'll look forward to hearing about the Tasha Tudor book. I read Educated, but didn't really care for it. I also read Crawdads and liked it, but not to the extent of all the hype. Hope you enjoy them all. I'm knitting on a sock, doing some cross stitch and I need to get back to my Hitchhiker and my Granny Squares. Hitting 90 here today! Too soon....

  2. I love your shades of pink! Our libraries are not yet open and with no date projected, so I sure do miss them. But you've got a very nice mix of books there and I hope you enjoy them!

  3. Your pink knitting is so so pretty...glad you got some new books too...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  4. I enjoyed Where the Crawfords Sing. Love Tasha Tudor too.

  5. You have no idea of the memories you just brought back to me. My mom was a HUGE Tasha Tudor fan and had several original water colors and numerous autographed books. I think I learned to read sitting in Mom's lap while she/we read Tasha Tudor books.

  6. How lovely to get new library books. I haven't even checked to see if ours is open again.....Your cardigan definitely looks like it has grown, I am sure it will be off the needles before too long!

  7. I haven't been doing a lot of reading so I must admit I don't even know if our libraries are opening. Loving the great progress you are making on your pink projects.

  8. What a nice list of books. I found Educated fascinating, especially after I watched a video of the author being interviewed on video. I would read the book first though. Tasha Tudor has always intrigued me and I haven't thought of her for a number of year. The pinks are so pretty. For the record, I can see quite a bit of progress on the sweater.

  9. I hear you about the cotton yarn. I realized this week that I've been knitting cotton for weeks, and exclusively cotton for most of May. It felt really good to start a WOOL sweater today.

  10. Haven't tried curbside but am tempted. I've been getting a bit wishy washy with books of late.


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