Ordinary Days


Just like the Catholic Church, I'm in Ordinary Days. We are truly in the winter season and the wind is cold. I am wearing my wool socks and wool sweaters daily. Whenever I'm outside I have a hat, shawl/cowl and knitted mittens. I'm not complaining at all, I would rather freeze to death than sweat to death. My husband is withering away though, he loves summer and hotness.

Have you noticed the days are getting lighter and lighter? Truly one of the blessings of January and February. It might be cold out but the daylight lengthens and brings hope.

This week I've been focusing on lots of journaling and reflections. I find comfort in putting thoughts down to paper and mulling over all of my wispy threads on life and happenings. Along with daily writings, I've been meditating twice a day using the Insight Timer App, which I highly recommend. There is plenty to do that is free. I chose a year subscription to get to the courses. I'm sleeping so much better these days. 

After the Bernie Meme and the craze to duplicate those mittens on Ravelry, I cast on a pair for my husband. While they fit my hand, they might be too snug for him. Sooo, I'm hoping that when I block the daylights out of them they will fit, if not the mitts are MINE. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with joy and peace. Thanks for visiting and reading this space.


  1. A Spring bouquet!! Pretty painting and pretty mittens. I have noticed the lengthening days and they do bring joy and hope! The wind has been CRAZY though - I was awake in the night because of the wind. Wishing you a beautiful weekend - enjoy!

  2. I'm with your husband, I withering away in the cold even here in Florida lol. At least he'll be nice and warm in his new Bernie mittens. I love them! I feel more joy and peace just by stopping by to visit here. Have a great weekend Karen!

  3. My husband prefers summer and I winter. My season is considerably shorter than his though. He gets 6-7 months of blistering heat while I only get 2 months of coat wearing weather. The other 3-4 months are when our doors are open and the fresh air comes in.

    I like your "Bernie" mitts. If they don't block out enough for your husband, will you make another pair for him?

    I love the photo of your space with the 3 rocks. Looks very serene. A perfect place to meditate and just "be".

  4. I like the colors you chose for Bernie's mitts....I wasn't overly fond of his brown version!!! And isn't it a joy to layer all that knit goodness whenever you leave the house? I find myself, though, often with such a wide array of wooliness...and none of it actually 'matches'! Doesn't bother me a bit.

  5. The days are getting a little longer here too, just a minute or so at a time but it is making a difference to our spirits. Love those mittens, they are a real delight and the beautiful spring bouquet a joy.

  6. I love the Bernie mittens. I will have to give that app a try. I can always use something to help me relax, shut off my mind and sleep! Have a good weekend.

  7. I am enjoying the longer days, but the deep freeze that we are currently in her in the NE of USA is just awful. Those mittens are great. I hope they fit your hubby. Your watercolor is very soothing to look at.

  8. Nice color on your Bernie mitts; hope they fit! Today isn't ordinary for us as we get our first Covid shots. Have a nice weekend.

  9. We took a drive tonight to enjoy the sunset/twilight. It was such a lovely end to the day (and that it did not happen at 530PM was a bonus!)

  10. I like the colors of your Bernie mitts. I like the bit of color. I went for a walk today wearing wool socks, leg warmers, wool sweater, a cowl, a hat, and mittens. Like Dee not much of it matched but I didn't care. I was warm. I also love your photos - you really have an eye for composition. And the bouquet is just lovely.

  11. Hooray for Bernie Mitts. Block them ..rock em sock em block em

  12. Love your mittens, the Bernie craze has been so wonderful, I have loved every minute. Stay safe and warm.

  13. Hi Karen,
    ...we're adjusting to 'ordinary' days here again too...just straightening the guest room and putting the baby toys away...for who knows how long...
    Have a lovely day!

  14. There's much to be said for ordinary days. With COVID on the loose, ordinary days are more than welcomed.

    Loving your projects, especially the color combo you're using for your Bernie mittens. Happy weekending Karen.

  15. The link about the meme is really lovely!! I love winter too! Cold is when I feel alive esp is sunny!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I hope you have a good peaceful weekend!

  16. I am so in love with ordinary days. Today we are having a snowstorm and I am grateful that we bought a house with beautiful large windows. I feel as if I am sitting in the midst of the snow and yet am snug and warm. I see you have The Outsider on your stack of books. I enjoyed it, although it was a little gore-y. I'll be interested in hearing what you think. I'm about to begin The Aviators Wife for our book club, have you read it?

    1. I have not read it yet (the Outsider nor the Aviator's wife). I have such a large to be read pile going on!!

  17. You have some of the best decorations. I put away the decorations on the mantle that were very Christmasy and left a few, winter-neutral items out. I felt I had to clean up some there for Chinese New Year.


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