

How was your weekend?

My weekend was calm, steady and relaxing. We've had a string of sunny days and so we've walked every day no matter the temperature. It's been nice to get out and breathe some fresh air. Have you noticed how the days are staying a lighter a little bit longer? January is a wonderful month,

I worked more on this shawl over the weekend, in a few rows I'll be doing the next section which will be a different color. 

I did a little watercolor sketch on Saturday. I'd like this to be a daily habit, something to work on in this new year. Frodo needed extra snuggles on that day probably because he was cold? I'm not sure. He's been sitting with us more often instead of sleeping under the ottoman. This is my challenge, how do I paint at the kitchen table when he wants a warm body to sleep next to on the sofa? I know this is a mini-phase and I do love his company so I'm going with it for now. When he is always under the ottoman, I wonder why he doesn't sleep near us...

always a sunrise

Sunday was the usual: laundry, cleaning, You-tube Mass, knitting and reading. I also wrote out some knitting projects I'd like to explore in the coming months in my creative journal. The computer armoire had a thorough cleaning and reorganization because the new printer was on an awkward shelf. I'm pleased with the new set up.

How was your weekend?


  1. I did some reorganizing this weekend as well! It feels good! :)

    And! I wound my yarn and cast on Heart Warmer last night!

  2. Nice colors on your shawl. Your weekend sounds lovely. Mine was productive. I decluttered all my drawers and shelves on my side of the dresser, made brownies, crocheted, did laundry, went to Mass, made bread, planned menus and watched some football with hubby. Feeling very accomplished this morning.

  3. The shawl colors look great.. as does the watercolor.
    It's the same way with kids.. 'ugh enough with the hugs' and then 'why don't you hug me?'
    I am enjoying the slightly longer days.

  4. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Mine was filled with errands, running around, some laundry and a little cleaning. I need to go through everything in a drawer in the kitchen that has too much stuff in it! And Kat has beaten me to casting on Heart Warmer. My yarn is wound (has been), but I have not yet cast on.

  5. Love that watercolor! We had an uneventful weekend doing our usual stuff. I did finish a baby blanket though.

  6. It sounds like a perfect weekend. I love your watercolor Karen, it's gorgeous. Frodo comes first but definitely keep your art going too. Beautiful sunrise shot. Have a great week!

  7. I love the colors of your shawl. I am partial to a pretty blue. Enjoy your Frodo snuggles. The room that I work from tends to be cold. I could use a warm lap friend.

  8. I too am a fan of the watercolour, I have been trying my hand at a few drawings and experimenting with paint effects. I am certainly enjoying the process.

  9. That shawl looks beautiful and warm, and your watercolor is just lovely. I can imagine it as a notecard!

  10. I love the watercolor and the shawl. Beautiful sunrise. Have a good week.

  11. What a bright pretty watercolor of flowers. Your shawl looks like it will be very cozy. Enjoy your knitting.

  12. That's a beautiful sunrise! Love your painting!

  13. Everything in this post made me smile. I really like how bright and vivid your shawl colors are.


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