Knitting News


I'm happy to report that my knitting enthusiasm has been slowly increasing after all the travels last week. More importantly, my husband and I continue to be healthy. This sweater is so close the the body edging! I believe there's less than an inch to go. After the body, I will be on the sleeves which I love to knit because they are speedy. It's all downhill from there my friends.

What have you been working on this week? Can you believe it's the end of August??


  1. Yay for the Return of the Knitting Mojo! Your sweater is looking awesome! Perhaps we will both be on Sleeve Island together! XO

  2. That blue is a lovely color! (And no, I can hardly believe that this is the last day of August but I'm looking forward to September!)

  3. That looks so good! I've been working on knitting a boring (but strangely satisfying) kitchen towel and I just started a little baby vest. So cute!

  4. Love the colour Karen, glad your knitting mojo has returned. Take care x

  5. Lovely sweater...even lovlier that you and your hubby are staying healthy - the BEST news. I'm knittng a little...not much. I seem to be cooking more! LOL

  6. It feels like the end of August ... just a little bit (and I got myself a fall-ish pedicure today, so that helps, too) - love that blue!

  7. I love the color of your sweater. You will really enjoy that when the weather cools off. Glad you are having a good week and staying well. See you again soon!

  8. I love the colour of your jumper, it is wonderful. Glad to hear that you are still ok after your visit to the house of fever.

  9. Beautiful! So excited for fall—hoping to finish a couple projects over the long weekend! - Jill M.

  10. I am glad you are staying healthy. You are making great progress on your blue sweater. I find it hard to believe we are at the end of August but I am glad.


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