Living in the Moment


Good morning! 

Around here the humidity has left and Mother Nature has gifted me (us) some beautiful cool crisp air. I'll be walking this morning with a sweatshirt on - what blessings! The days are shortening quickly hinting at fall weather, thank goodness. I'm sitting here with jeans on hoping that I do not need to switch to capris later in the afternoon.

My husband and I went to a restaurant with outdoor seating for lunch over looking a pond. The food was delicious and the views made the food taste better. All you could hear were birds chirping and an occasional flopping fish in the water. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

I've been in a creative lull. 

I'm just going with it because I know it will pass. Yesterday I wanted to start a pair of socks for my husband with this delicious merino yak blend in the photo below. I ignored the voice in my head that said 'but you have three other projects you should be working on'. Life is for living in the moment and at that particular moment I wanted a pair of socks on the needles! 

I also spent the entire morning yesterday reorganizing my journaling supplies but not actually journaling. I threw away dried out pens and scraps of paper that I knew I would not use. I cleaned out my knitting bag again organizing and tossing scraps of paper or wool, putting notions back where I can easily find them.

Organizing and tidying up creative spaces sometimes leads to being creative in the end. At least that is what I'm hoping will happen to me.


  1. That's a very pretty/handsome shade of yarn for your hubby's socks. For some reason (busy, busy) I have not yet cast on for anything new...hoping to rectify that today. Lunch sounds lovely - what a pretty place. Creativity, like everything else in life, ebbs and flows. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. That is a wonderful shade of yarn and I bet it feels delicious, too, I would have wanted that on my needles right away, too!

  3. I agree with you that tidying a work space can open up creativity... it helped me tremendously! I hope that you find your creativity returns soon!

  4. You lunch sounds lovely. Such a gorgeous view to enhance the time spent there. Such a great shade of yarn for your husband's socks. His feet will be nice and warm this winter with the yak blend yarn. Personally. I LOVE organizing my craft areas. Sometimes I find a thing that puts my creative juices in high gear.

  5. So glad you are getting some cooler weather. I have been trying to do some reorganizing too, so thanks for the inspiration to continue doing so. Have a great weekend! See you again soon. :-)

  6. What a handsome yarn for socks. Restoring order always makes me feel better. I imagine your creativity will come meandering back soon.

  7. Love the yarn and the knitting bag. The yarn is a beautiful color.

  8. I journal about everyday. Pens are great! I got NEW ones from our 21 year old daughter, as a birthday gift 2 weeks ago. The yak merino yarn is lovely.

  9. Yes to a good tidy up, that is definitely part of the creative process for me. Sometimes that is the right thing to do. The yak yarn looks wonderful, love the colour.

  10. Hello! I love the feeling after a good weed out and organize project. Gives me incentive! Lovely yarn!!

  11. That lunchtime view is so peaceful! I love to "clear the decks" ... sometimes it's just the break I need to find a spark to start something new. Love that yarn for socks!


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