Change of Plans


This morning my husband and I were planning a trip to Indiana to attend our sweet grandson's first birthday party. I wasn't feeling that great last week and early this week went to urgent care for a salivary gland infection and am on meds. The healing has been slow-going (I'm extremely impatient!). I'm seeing a specialist next week thankfully.

Anyways, whenever we travel my dry eye and dry mouth symptoms (due to Sjogren's syndrome) are worse. I can only guess it's something to do with the long car ride and the dry air circulation in the car. Besides not feeling the best, I knew the car ride would not help me continue to recover. So we canceled.

I haven't done much of anything this week except drink lots of water, finish reading a book or two and of course put in a few rows of knitting here and there. 


  1. I hope you recover and feel better very soon! Keep drinking water and knit that sweet grandson another sweater.

  2. I am sorry you are feeling poorly. Hope that knitting is a nice distraction

  3. Sorry to hear you've been feeling so bad and how sad to be missing your grandson's first birthday. At least it isn't one he will remember, so visiting him when you're feeling better will be just as much fun (or even more, not having to deal with a party crowd).
    I hope you feel better soon!

  4. I'm so sorry about this. I'm sure you are disappointed and frustrated (and not patient - as I would be). Hoping you heal quickly and that soon you can see that sweet boy again! I can't believe he is a year old already.

  5. Oh, I am so sorry Karen! I hope you are feeling better soon and happy birthday to your grandson!

  6. I hope you are feeling better soon and that you can go see your grandson as soon as you are well.

  7. I do hope you feel better soon Karen, I am sorry to hear that you were not able to travel to be with your grandson on his first birthday. How did he get to be a year old already?

  8. I hope you feel better really soon! Keep drinking, water that is, and resting.....

  9. Well darn it anyway. I hope you get some FaceTime to see the little guy on his birthday. I hope you feel better soon - rest and lots of water sounds like the ticket. Take good care.

  10. I am so sorry you had to cancel your trip. Hopefully you can see your grandson soon. I hope you recover quickly.


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