Ordinary Days of Delight


Oh my, we are knee deep in ordinary days. I might be one of the few people who love January. I love the cold weather and the restive schedule that envelops me since the holidays are over. I've been enjoying my bird feeder and watching the birds who are making quite the mess. They delight me. Through my back yard, through the woods, at an adjoining business development exists a private preschool. Every day I listen to the children play (squeal) outside during their recess while I am outside walking Frodo. Another delight. January has a slew of family birthdays, I wake up and text/call each family member wishing them a wonderful day.

This week I've chipped away at all of my works in progress in my knitting bag. I finished a hat and now I'm working on my scarf. When this scarf is finished I'd like to whip up two pairs of fingerless mitts for me and for my husband. 

I am delighted that you visit, read and sometimes comment on this space. How wonderful to have a like minded community that supports each other. You delight me.


  1. I'm with you, I love January/winter/snow and all for the same reasons you do. Plus, as a knitter we need cold weather to wear are knits. Have a great weekend

  2. Same here! I love the quiet days of January too. It's a relief after all the craziness of December and the holidays. Time to rest and recharge our batteries. I personally am delighted to visit your blog. It is wonderful having a little community of friends here. Have a cozy weekend! : )

  3. Enjoy all of your January delights!

  4. Steve got me a new bird feeder for Christmas and I have been delighting in the birds delight of it! :) Have a great weekend!

  5. So glad you feel so happy and delighted. I love ordinary days too, but I'm still struggling to find my

  6. Enjoy! We are out of state right now, and although I like a trip, I look forward to quiet and being home.

  7. I, too, enjoy watching ALL the birds that come to our feeders...and the squirrels. The other day 3 deer were munching on seeds that had dropped on the ground from one of our feeders. I've always enjoyed the quiet time of January and I do love to hibernate some. Unfortunately work is not allowing me to do that as much!

  8. I am hoping that next January, I too will relish the time in January to just be. I am retiring from teaching in June and I am looking forward to a more intentional life. I love your blog by the way.

  9. Both of my children have January birthdays. My January has so far not been so quiet, but I am hoping the rest of the month settles down. Enjoy your knitting and bird watching.

  10. I love January too. The migrating birds are heading back north, we have lovely crisp days, there usually several rainy days to prep our grounds for spring blooms and I can sit on our porch and knit while watching the children going to and from school. Joyous days forbsure.

  11. I love January, in fact I refer to the days containing "peace of January." The birds are so delightful in winter. The colors and markings are so easily seen against the bare trees. I would like a few inches of snow on the ground though. Enjoy the ordinary days.


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