Knitting News


Well here is a project that is a blast from the past. According to my notes, I started this shawl on May 26th last year. I have repeatedly pushed this project aside for more important knitting. Once my scarf is completed which will be within 48 hours, I am focusing on this shawl.

Of course there will be some newly cast on projects as well, I am a knitter and that is what knitters do!! 

What are you working on this week? 


  1. Oh! Go you for pulling out an old project! The color is lovely!

  2. Such a pretty shade of pink. I do not remember this one. The color reminds me of the inside of a conch shell (which is appropriate given the name of the pattern). I have not knit much this past week...need to remedy that!

  3. I like you have projects all lined up! There won't be any down time in your knitting!

  4. Oh, but it is a lovely shawl! I'm currently searching for my knitting mojo (or crochet mojo - I'd be fine with that too?). I haven't felt like making something for a while...

  5. Oh, I remember that shawl. It is going to be so pretty when completed. I just finished a prayer shawl for our church's cancer ministry. Now working on hubby's socks. No plans to cast on anything new right this minute. But that can change at any given moment.

  6. Can't wait to see the end result of that pretty project! It's way too easy to ignore a project and cast on a new one instead, isn't it? I am very good at that!

  7. I love the color of your shawl. This is a good time of year for you to work on it, because maybe you will have a finished for cool spring weather. I hope you are having a good week! See you again soon!

  8. Isn't it fun to pull out an "old blast from the past" project? This one looks lovely. Enjoy all of your knitting. I'm working on a sweater and a small child's hat as a charity donation.

  9. I've just started another experiment with stripes and intarsia in the round. I'm trying to work through some of my stash, but as usual more stash keeps coming to live with me! Oh well...

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  12. I love this shawl and the color is lovely.

  13. You are so organised that you know when you cast it on, I am terrible for keeping Ravelry up to date, I have probably knitted twice the projects I have recorded on there.


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