

Good morning! Can you believe we had TWO sunny days in a row? What decadence. The sunshine felt so nice as we did our daily walks and it was equally nice to look out our windows to sunbeams. I'm not sure if it is early or not but our daffodils that speckle our woods are sprouting up with confidence. 

How was your weekend? 

Mine was great! I managed to do a lot of sketching and painting on Saturday, dare I admit that my creativity is back again? Yesterday after Mass I took a short walk and then later on in the afternoon we drove to the local park for yet another walk. Frodo loves walks and all the smells from other dogs leaving their calling cards.

This week one of my goals is to finish reading Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Overall I'm not enjoying it that much. Maybe it's because it was written long ago and the writing style is completely different than modern times. I'm glad I am reading it but golly I'll be so glad when I read that last page.

In other news, I threw away yet another pair of my husband's hand knit socks that are unrepairable. He is down to four pairs in the drawer. I need to get cracking on making more!! The ones I've thrown away were made several years ago, I've found that Trekking XXL is the sturdiest but he can wear threadbare holes at the soles in 3-4 years no matter what yarn I use.

How was your weekend?


  1. Just look at your daffodils! It must be all those sunny days!

  2. Our daffodils are nudging upwards too! Love your little bird painting - so pretty. We had some sunny days, but gosh it has been windy! I'm hoping I can walk later today.

  3. Your daffodils bring so much promise! Yes, spring is just around the corner! :)

    What a great weekend, Karen!

  4. Look at those daffodils poking up. Spring is coming soon. Sounds like your weekend was fantastic and filled with sunshine.

  5. Yes, we are thoroughly enjoying the sun!! My 4 year old is next to me and said he likes your bird watercolor! I encourage the children to paint while I'm making a meal or washing dishes. I need tp sit down with them and paint!

  6. Our daffodils are starting to pop out as well. We had sunny beautiful days as well.

  7. My weekend was fine in spite of NO sun! I spent it mostly curled up with The Luminaries and barely noticed the gray/wet weather except when I had to take Lucy for a walk.

  8. Did you take classes to learn to paint. I love your sweet little bird. So glad you have the creativity bug back. You had better get moving on those socks!

  9. Our weekend was cold and we may get more snow tonight. I haven't seen any flowers coming up yet, but then I haven't really been looking. I love your little watercolor bird. I admire you for sticking with Walden. I have never read it. So glad you had a good weekend. I hope your week is a good one! See you again soon!

  10. My father is a huge Thoreau fan but I just can't get into him. Shhhhh ;-)

  11. I love your watercolor. It's so nice. Your blog screams "spring" today with the bird and daffodils. Have fun picking yarn for more socks!

  12. Look at those daffodils. Hooray for creative mojo returning. I'd like to find my missing writing mojo. It's funny about socks. Some of mine have felted on the bottom so they will last forever if they don't feel like cardboard first. Socks are good projects for odd moments as well as knitting in the car.

  13. Two sunny days in row are always a winner at this time of year aren't they. So glad to hear that you creative mojo has returned hope it is here to stay for a bit.


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