Happy List


The Happy List:

- blue skies - cloudy skies - early morning walks with Frodo - the quietness of the mornings - the no plan plan (doing nothing?) - reading lots - sketching some -inspiration from others - reorganizing art supplies

- big salads - lemon poppyseed dressing - green goddess dressing - romaine lettuce - radishes - back patio dining - sour dough bread 

- endless reading and gobbling up knowledge - heavy eyes while reading (the best doze ever) - steady stitching on a sampler - phone chats with kids - lunch out with my husband - tv watching at night - daily journaling 

What would make your happy list?


  1. Oh I just love that rabbit sketch!

  2. I'm a big fan of the rabbit also!

  3. That rabbit!!!! My list would be very similar to yours (minus the journaling and sketching). I would add a glass of wine at 4 p.m. on the patio with my hubby. That red leaf!!!

  4. cute rabbit! and i love the color of that yarn. currently on my happy list: homemade cherry jam, influx of cherry tomatoes, picking up my knitting for the first time in (over?) a year and early morning walks before the heat hits. have a great weekend!
    love & magicks

  5. You have had a wonderful week with lots of goodness. I hope you enjoy the weekend as well.

  6. Many of your happy list items are on my list too....sourdough bread, knitting, crafting, reading a good book. It is good to be appreciative of what makes you happy.

  7. catching up on blogs with a sleeping Lucy beside me.

  8. Your sketching is marvelous. I love to see what you are drawing. My happy list is a time with family and cucumbers in the garden.

  9. Lazy happy days of summer....LOVE all of the things. Your sketching is so nice.


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