September Joys


Can you believe that we have arrived to the glorious month of September? I know that summer is still blazing away and fall is inching slowly towards us but flipping the calendar page to September brings me joy.

My mom would demand a Christmas list by September first believing she could knit all the things and have them wrapped up for the holidays. She would start asking for the list in August. As a young adult, I thought she was crazy and a bit over reacting. September? Christmas? Jeez!

And here I am, starting a Christmas stocking for our granddaughter. My mother is looking down from heaven with an 'I told you so' smirk on her face. However, I am smirking back at her and telling her that I have started knitting for the holidays at the start of this year. 

I do not ask for a knitting wish list from my family. I knit what I want when I want and give the items freely away, if I don't meet my virtual 'to knit' demands, no one knows but me. My self-imposed timeline is fluid and flexible and works for me.

Current joys:

falling leaves in the backyard - big salads - new granddaughter - can't wait to see our grandson - novel reading on the back patio - first week of classes going well - Tai Chi!!! - slow mornings - all the knitting

What are your joys today?


  1. So glad September is HERE - NOW!!! And it is in the 50's here this a.m. It is glorious. I cannot wait for you to meet your granddaughter and see your grandson (and son and DIL of course). I am happily planning vacation and knitting and stitching (and going to the laundromat - hahaha). Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

  2. Hooray for September; just look at all those leaves. (I'm ignoring the fact that it's supposed to warm up to the mid-90s beginning Sunday!) It's a bit humbling when we learn our mothers were right about so many things and we know they are saying, "I told you so."

  3. You have much to look forward too! Have a lovely September. Enjoy the long weekend! See you again soon!

  4. Are those garden boots? September seems to be bringing a lot of joy.

  5. Oh my I am just catching up with people from blog world. TWO grandbabies how special for you!!

  6. You sound quite content. Enjoy your stocking knitting!

  7. Hooray for September and a new Christmas stocking for Esther. I bet you are counting the days until you go meet her. Joys right now: having our son visit us this week as he worked remotely and helped me celebrate my birthday.

  8. I am loving that it is September as well! I might have even treated myself to a pumpkin spiced coffee this morning! Life is indeed good!


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