Knitting News


How has your creative pursuits been this week?

I've been making great progress on my grandson's Christmas sweater. I was torn on what size to make. My choices were 1-2T or 2-4T. He already fits into 2T so I did the larger size and now wonder if this will be to big. My brain says better to be too big than too small and I continue to knit away.

I finished the first sleeve last night and hope I finish the second sleeve tonight.

What are you working on this week?


  1. When knitting for children, I always knit larger. Christmas is still a couple of months away and I bet it will fit him just fine. I agree with better too big than too small!

  2. Another vote for the larger knit for your grandson! They grow much too quickly! :)

  3. Yup - kids grow incredibly fast - love the color you have chosen for his sweater. Very pretty/handsome.

  4. Very nice! I am trying to do some reading 📚 for my writing project

  5. I think your brain is guiding you in the right direction. As someone else wrote, your grandson will grow before Christmas making a little more generous size seem not so big. What a handsome color for a sweater.

  6. Good call on the sizing. I made two sweaters for my grandson last winter and he has already outgrown them both! Fortunately there is the little brother who will wear them. I am slogging away at sleeves this week.

  7. I agree bigger is better. Especially with childrens clothing. I like the color of the sweater. Looks like a good one for everyday wearing.

  8. You are very wise knitting the larger size. I'm crocheting a scarf at the moment. The aim is to clear the few started projects and then get back to my jumper. Cx

  9. I have the same outlook. Better too big than too small. He will grow into it. That is a beautiful color yarn by the way.

  10. Nicely done. I am still working on my amigurumi which i have partially unravelled a couple of times but am determined to see it through.


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