Journaling and Knitting


Good morning! How are you doing on this fine January day? Can you believe we are closing in on mid January? Sadly, we are expecting rain later today after a crazy amount of rain on Tuesday. I'm hoping to get out and walk with Frodo before the rain shows up.

I started a new creative journal for 2024 and it will last for two years like the previous one. I do memory keeping and some journaling prompts and whatever sparks my interest. There is something about a new notebook or journal that just inspires me. Many of my journaling prompts come from whatever I see on the internet while I'm toodling about. I like to write about what I am noticing on my walks, what I am looking forward to doing in the coming weeks. There is always a gratitude page and sometimes just write about what I did during the day.

Whenever we are gathered with family, I will print some photos of the grands and document the visit. Of course I write about our museum outings as well and any other day trips or weekend trips.

I started the cat hat for my granddaughter the other day. I'm still in manic knitting mode switching from one project to the other. Next week, some of my classes start at the university and I'm sure my knitting time will be less. I am looking forward to Tai Chi again.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I like your creative journal idea! I'm going to think on that for a bit and possibly start one of my own.
    The cat hat is going well. Love the yarn color.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Karen, and happy knitting.

  2. What a pretty color for the cat hat! Oh Tai Chi!!! I need to see if I can find some on-line Tai chi classes that Fletch and I would do together. We are expecting the heavy rain later too.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing your cat hat! I wonder if it would be weird to knit one for myself in an adult size? :-)

  4. I love your journal. I've never been able to keep up with one once started..maybe someday. The hat color is beautiful. Can't wait to see it finished. We are expecting high winds again this weekend...brrr.

  5. Great inspiration in your journal, Karen! Stay warm this weekend!

  6. You arr an inspiration to me. I love to journal too. Mostly about my daily doings and thoughts. You inspired me to start doing doing daily gratitude journaling too. Looking forward to seeing the cat hat completed.

  7. Journaling is the best. I too keep a journal and love to include bits and pieces of things in it too, like a scrapbook. It’s a great way for me to clear my mind and to keep memories.

  8. I enjoy a peek into your journal. Yes, a fresh new journal is such an invitation. I keep several journals including the standby, one for gardening, and one for reading. It is fun to add bits and pieces to all of them. What a pretty shade of purple for a little hat.

  9. I started a making journal last January that still has enough room for another year. It holds ideas and details about my knitting, stitching, quilting projects. I am determined to add more drawings of my ideas this year and lots of colored pencils 😊


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