Knitting News


Good morning! How are you? What are you working on this week?

I continue to work on my felix cardigan, slowly adding some rows while trying not to overdo it. This summer I've been successful at avoiding an arthritis flare. I am a few rows away from the arm hole sectioning. I am also working on a pair of socks that I forgot to take a photo of AND forgot to make a project page. The socks are a Christmas gift. 


  1. Look at you, Christmas knitting in July!

  2. Oh...I do like the color of that yarn! I will look forward to seeing the finished product.

  3. Nice progress. I want to start something new...but it is so stinkin' humid, it's difficult to become enthused about it.

  4. Shaping up nicely! I just finished a dress for my granddaughter!

    1. I tried to send a picture of the dress from my ipad but it posted that comment. Oh well.....I finished a dress for my granddaughter for her first birthday. It was easy on my RA because it was small yarn......I find that larger yarn is my issue with my hands. I just got some cottons to make granny squares and maybe I will make a blanket for her for Christmas.

    2. the smaller the needles the happier my hands and wrists are as well!

  5. You're making a lot of progress on you cardigan.

  6. I finished TWO sweaters today!! both for summer. I'm not quite ready to cast on for a cool weather sweater, but I'm getting closer :-)

  7. I love that color - how nice it would be to receive such special gifts!!

  8. You remind me that I need to get started on my daughter's Christmas socks. Your Felix looks so much like autumn. I'm glad you have prevented an RA flare. Take good care.

  9. It looks gorgeous, with that autumnal brown. And hoorray for avoiding that flare !


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