

On Saturday we went to a library fundraiser to peruse the used books.  Once again I found many books that I could add to my collection.  I know!  You are thinking "but Karen, didn't you thin out your books this past January?".  Yes, I did indeed.  But you see I do not own THESE books (except for Cutting for Stone my memory failed me and I bought it and discovered I already owned a copy when I arrived home).  Love the Pooh book that was printed 1952, it's on the far left. It was a beautiful weekend and the sunshine was soaked up by not only me but Frodo!  He has been spending more time out in his little yard.  I'm watching my lilac bush develop leaf buds overnight.  It was nice enough to have a door opened a bit for some much needed fresh air.  My husband and I are back to walking after dinner since daytime lasts much longer.  Frodo sits and stares us down until we remember it's walking time.  Frodo believes in mental telepathy.  (so do I!!) The weekend

Plentiful Bounty

Whenever I visit family, I bring home gifts.  Some edible some not.  Some are in the photo and some are not.  The biggest container is homemade peach butter, the tallest is maple syrup and the tiniest is raspberry jam, all gifts from my dad and step mom.  His maple syrup season was not as plentiful as in the past.  I think he was disappointed because he recently built a "sugar shack" dedicated to processing the sap to syrup.  Well maybe next year will be better. The tea cup and saucer were a gift from my sister.  But there is a story!  My sister's husband's aunt (Aunt Jane to us) recently died over the winter and my brother in law has been in charge of the estate.  I was thrilled to receive this vintage set and will lovingly think of her.  The stamp on the bottom of the tea cup says Germany.  I have a hefty collection of roosters so it has found a welcoming home.  Thanks sis!! What is not in the photo are homemade Easter eggs.  My step mom crocheted some lovely

Heaven in a Shawl

This quick little shawlette is 198 yards of heaven and is it a quite fun fast pattern.  When I finished I thought there was no way possible for it to fit around my neck and look nice. But the miracles of blocking never fail.  I soaked for 15 minutes even though it is cotton and I aggressively blocked the daylights out of it.  Seriously I pulled and pinned to its utmost. Not only does it make a nice shawlette to wear around your shoulders or neck, it is an all season kind of shawl.  The yarn I used, Cascade yarns Ultra Pima retained its sheen :)  Now that is a slice of heaven! Ravelry notes are here

Yarn Along

This week Frodo wanted in on the photo.  Whenever I grab the camera he is right beside me thinking we are going outside.  I like to think he likes helping me with the photo composition.  Anyway, my pi shawl was done last night but I had to undo five rows of my lace edging.  That happens when you knit at night near bedtime, well it happens to me!  So let's say it's almost done.  What a labor of love.  I enjoyed having this on the needles.  When we went traveling this past weekend this was the only project I focused on.  Remember, I promised myself no new big projects until this project was off the needles.  Self motivation is easy for me :) Hopefully I'll update the project page soon with finished photos! My reading is exactly the same:   The Red Garden  by Alice Hoffman.  To be honest I did very little reading over the weekend with all the socializing.  Now that I'm home and back to the quiet life I'm sure this book will be finished in a few days.  I mentioned


My Easter weekend was filled with: -travels and traffic jams -family visiting-lots of them -a sister outing including lunch and shopping -car knitting (the endless lace edging bind off of this project ) -75% done with that bind off!!! -potato salad, tossed salad, green beans, asparagus, deviled eggs, olives, turkey, shrimp, cole slaw -almond cake, lamb cake that was mostly icing!, krispy squares, chocolate and jelly beans -laughing, talking, sharing, enjoying, and being in the moment -Easter vigil Mass -sunshine on Saturday and rain on Sunday How was your weekend? Joining Amanda

Blue Skies and Lace Edgings

I thought I'd dazzle you with a bright blue sky that hasn't been seen since last weekend.  Pretty huh? I miss it so.  Every day this week has been over cast, sure the sun will peek out but it's brief and not enough.  Yesterday we walked our dirt road searching for signs of spring.  Runny noses are the only sign for now.  Allergy season! I've resumed my lace knitting and am happy to announce that the edging pattern is cemented into my memory.  One less thing to slow me down-reading directions.  When I first started the edging, I thought it was not very pretty.  Now that I'm a 1/3 done I think it's beautiful.  I used to think garter stitch was very ugly now I love it.  Funny how tastes change.  Garter stitch lovingly showcases a hand painted yarn to it's best advantage, in my opinion. Now that spring is approaching (it will arrive, promise) smaller projects are flitting through my mind.  Hats and socks.  Also I would love to do a beaded lace knit. I hav

Yarn Along

My knitting is fresh and new!  Just in time for spring, well the calender spring because the weather spring is still winter.  I've cast on a pair of green socks for my husband.  Whenever I'm out and about in yarn stores, I pick up any skein of durable sock yarn for socks.  This brand- trekking -is durable.  It's my favorite brand for him. I don't know how he does it but he is hard on socks. Oh and guess what?  I finished my tea leaves sweater  , I love it so :) I am only knitting small projects until I finish, yes finish this lace shawl .  It has been languishing at the bottom of my knitting bag.  I desperately want to cast on another sweater so what better way to motivate me but to put limits on myself?  Let's see if this works for me.  I'll keep you up to date. My book.  Well you know I'm partial to Alice Hoffman, so when I saw The Red Garden  and quickly scanned the summary on the back I bought it.  It's an unusual book because it is written as

Lavender Tea Leaves Cardigan

I've finished the tea leaves cardigan !  It's a lovely pattern to knit up and I only used five skeins of Cascade 220.  This cardigan is special because of two lovely gifts that I received a few months ago.   The buttons!!!!  The buttons were handmade by Tracey over at Clover .  Isn't she the sweetest person to make them for me??  When I received them I picked a sweater for the buttons.  It's true and it's the first time I've done that.  I believe the buttons were made from antlers, I'm sure she will confirm that fact and I'll edit accordingly.  I love them Tracey and thank you!! The second gift was from a dear knitting friend who gave me the name tags.  They were bought at Mountain Street Arts  a lovely etsy shop.  Aren't they adorable?? The last two photos were taken by my son and Frodo was excited to get into the photos.  I have to admit the outside photos were pre-blocking and that pesky button band now lays flat.  I am impul


Palm Sunday for me was a dreaded Mass as a child because of its length and somberness and yet I would be excited to receive some palms in which to weave.  So yesterday after a quick lunch I set off to weave, I remembered my mom and my childhood.  I would cry getting frustrated because I could not begin or end my weaving.  I was a difficult child :) Later yesterday we said goodbye to our son since his spring break has ended.  Laundry was finished, dishes were washed dried and put away.  The coffee table is once again visible.  I am getting comfortable with the comings and goings of the kids. This weekend was a long break from the internet and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I might have to make every weekend internet free.  I finished two knitting projects which I'll share soon. Tomorrow perhaps? How was your weekend? Joining Amanda

Walks, Ducks, Birds

We were out for a walk yesterday and even though it's still cold like winter, I'm seeing signs of spring. Down by the pond the ducks are active and chasing each other.  Seems to me they are swimming more instead of hiding.  Frodo would love to catch one, I'm not sure what he would do with it when he caught it.  Some of our bushes and trees are slowly budding-another sign.  I will admit that I'm looking forward to some milder weather.  Just not hot weather. Yesterday Frodo was barking in the back yard, he's vocal that way.  I decided to see what was the fuss.  I couldn't believe it!!  He was barking at my elusive woodpecker that I've been trying to find in the mornings.  He's a beautiful bird, and I quickly ran to get the "good" camera.  Now I have two drawbacks.  First off, I do not own a zoom lens....yet.  It's on the list of purchases.  Secondly, I am not a stealth person which means I would fail ninja training.  So when I ran outsi

Yarn Along

My tea leaves cardigan is making progress.  The body is complete and my only modification was to add an extra inch to the body length since I am on the tall side of life.  The first sleeve is nearly complete, I might add a bit of length to that as well.  I have daydreams of a finished sweater within the week-fingers crossed that they come true. Ha!  I bet you think I'm reading that book.  Well how about I admit it is the book that I want to read next.  I am savoring the bittersweet end of Wuthering Heights  today.  Cathy (Jr) is about to make the mistake of her life and somebody is finally going to die of consumption.  I've lost count on how many times I've read this book and every time I visit I experience a new facet of the plot.  To me, it is a must read classic. Because it's open source I've been reading the printed version late at night and during the day while knitting miles and miles of stockinette I've found my place in the book on my Ipad book re