

How was your weekend?  The kids came home for an extended weekend so we could all celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family.  If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that we exchange Christmas gifts while we are together.  So my manic gift knitting in September had a good reason to exist.  I had a great time seeing all of my family, eating fantastic food that I did not cook.  I also shopped with my sister on Friday, braving the crazy crowds.  Yesterday I started decorating the house.  I'm trying to strategically decorate with a one year old inquisitive cat in the house.  I put up the smaller tree this year and picked through the ornaments.  I chose ornaments she can't destroy or get hurt on.  Also I picked some that if she destroyed I'd be okay with it.  I did not put anything my mother made (too much emotional value). She is still a little stinker and loves yarn and ribbons.  Even though I placed some of my holiday decorations ou


In the spirit of Thanksgiving and focusing of gratitudes, I'm grateful: -peaceful mornings always with lots of coffee, pens and paper and moments in prayer -family and friends -a miniature schnauzer (Frodo) who still delights us with his rowdy antics -a rescue cat who continues to be a little braver and less shy -yarn shops, yarn buying and all the knitting I can do -my gym membership that insures my ability to knit (and sit!) -living in the country (with electricity, ha ha) -back road driving to and from babysitting, enjoying the fields and mountains I pass by -clean kitchens, easy throw together meals and desserts -a cup of green tea at the end of the day -twinkle lights -all the possibilities before the day starts -seeing a well made to do list crossed off -book reading and book buying -for all of you dear readers who have been visiting here, caring about what I write.   -may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you are celebra

Sunday Sweater and Coronet Hat

I'm excited to share with you two projects completed.  (Yes!  The needles are clicking away).  First off is the Coronet Hat that I quickly whipped up for the toddler because the wintry weather came sooner than later.  I got creative with the icords and the tassels because I thought it would add some uniqueness to the hat.  I want a hat for myself with tassels as well. Ravelry notes are here I know I'm late to be knitting Ginny's Sunday Sweater but better late than never, right?  I finally had a little girl to knit for.  This is the toddler's Christmas dress.  I loved the top down design and the button bands already incorporated into the knitting.  A lovely pattern that was a quick knit (compared to an adult sweater).  Ravelry notes are here What are you knitting or crafting this week?


My weekend is slowly wrapping up.  I'm sitting on the loveseat with the laptop and lots to tell you.  Saturday during the day, I enjoyed the electricity and quiet.  I read many pages of Washington while knitting at the same time. People often ask me how I do both at the same time, well I have a few pointers: 1)  Definitely have a floppy book that stays opened or a Kindle.  If the book is slightly resistant, I use my phone as a weight. 2) Definitely have SUPER easy knitting, my super easy is stockinette or garter stitch.  I can also do broken rib or double moss stitch without a mistake.  3) Practice!  Do a stitch without looking, then do another.  4) wool or a tightly wound spring yarn works best.  Do not knit with splitty yarns, there will be mistakes. find Holly the cat, we call her Mrs Kravitz (from Bewitched) Holly has been a very social cat for being mostly anti social over all.  She loves to see what Frodo is doing.  I love when she sneaks about and he doesn

Snowy Vistas

Hello!  Do you have snow?  How much?  We got about nine inches of snow that was not predicted.  It was supposed to be three inches.  Ahem.  Last night I was excited and thrilled! This morning around six a.m. I lost electricity (yes, again...) and my excitement for winter weather plummeted.  This time around the power company did not give any estimates of when the power would be restored.  The electricity came back on magically at 9:30 a.m. and I have my fingers crossed it stays on. My knitting has continued to make progress, I am waiting for the toddler sweater to dry so I can bury threads, sew on buttons and take some photos.  I overbought how much yarn I needed for the toddler sweater so I cast on a cowl for the toddler's mother (Frodo's dog groomer!).  It's looking quite nice! I've been itching to purchase some decadent yarn for me to start something nice.  I have loads of yarns at my fingertips but it's so much fun to window shop on th

Piggy Mitts and Another Cowl

oink oink  I am in love with the piggy mitts !  Who knew that knitting a teeny tiny mitten in the shape of a pig could give me endless joy.  I learn something new about myself every day.  These mitts were supposed to be a Christmas gift but I already gave them to her today.  Sadly, the toddler is a 2 year old and refused to put them on her hands when I gave them to her.  She did keep looking at them though.  I am sure when it's freezing cold outside, she will be wearing them faithfully.  Oh and I also found mitt clips on amazon so that they stay with her! oink oink I knit up this alpaca cowl using a pattern from my head, it's another Christmas gift.  For some reason, everyone is getting a cowl this year - and I have four more to make!  Gah! Do not be fooled - I love knitting cowls and I want to make one for me as well.  It's the perfect accessory for chilly weather. What are you crafting up today?


togetherness :)  Hello!  Can you believe Holly the cat and Frodo the dog are two feet apart?  This weekend has been crazy zoo-like with these two furries.  Holly must have found her big girl pants, found some bravery and  decided to come into the 'dog zone' part of the house, over and over again.  A few days ago, she came out.  Frodo chased her back to her room and she promptly returned for more 'fun' under the safety of the couch watching his every move. These teachable moments are valuable for both of them.  We get a little stressed out about it but it's all about them and not us, right? The whole weekend was a teachable moment! Holly chases a light beam  How was your weekend?  Mine was great, I read a lot, knit a lot and wasn't stressed out the least bit.  We didn't have any plans,  so we stayed home.  You know I love that.  After Saturday night Mass, we went out to dinner at a local bar instead of the pizza pick up run.  I enjoyed doing


Around here the autumn colors are fading on the trees, most are bare except some lagging oak and maple trees.  In one day, my two oaks dropped a ton of leaves on the driveway - I love it.  We do not rake leaves here, the property is too big,  my husband rides the tractor and blows them into the woods as best as possible.  I've been diligently attacking a long list of tasks and errands this week.  So much so, I am feeling in control, confident and quite pleased with myself.  I don't know about you, but I try to do all the tasks in the morning if possible.  If I'm babysitting, I try to do a few after work on my way home.  Working a few days a week and going to the gym has made me more efficient.  Go figure!  I've hit the sweet spot of balancing my time.  Earlier this week, I celebrated my one year anniversary of going to the gym!  I remember clearly the anxiety and dread every time I went to my personal training session when I started and that dread lasted

Spindrift Shawl

I finished this shawl over the weekend and this completes another holiday gift.  I am on schedule for all the knits I want to knit this year, this feels so good.  Every time I sit and knit, I'm filled with gratitude that I can sit and knit.  This past summer saw a long span of time with my back spasming and me not knitting and pouting a little bit.  I've been going to the gym religiously now, even on non personal trainer days all to support good health and the ability to sit. Anyways, back to the shawl.  The wool is steam valley fiber hand dyed fingering sock yarn  that has been in my stash for a few years.  Miss Holly the cat found the hand and threw it all about so as I wound the wool back into a ball, I decided the universe (or Holly) wanted me to knit it up. This pattern is one of Helen Stewart's designs, spindrift shawl .  This is a free pattern if you sign up for her newsletter which I recommend.  Her designs are wonderful and clearly written, line by lin