

Happy November!  This month is my favorite because it's my birthday month.  I've been reflective this past week on two quotes I ran across while toodling about on the internet.  Both have had me coming back to them again and again. a dr. who reference First quote: "The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything" -Oprah Winfrey. Do I do that?  Do I make the best of everything?  I'd like to think that I do.  But I'll be honest, in spite of my 'positivity' on this blog, I do have a dark side where I get jealous or envious of others.  My main jealous notion is of people who have family living in the same town.  Gah, I want that. I get pea green with envy, and it can at times consume me if I let it. Here is the thing, when I'm jealous, I'm miserable and my worst self ever.  Being jealous is a choice and not a fact.  So I work at my thoughts and feelings.  I work to focus on the p

Knitting News

The knitting bug has bitten this past week, in that I am knitting wildly and furiously working on three projects. The first project is a second pair of fingerless mitts for holiday gift giving.  I had some loose half skeins in my stash in the same dyelot and knew I could eke out another pair.  I'm excited to do a second pair but I'll be glad when I am done with the second pair.  I might just be overdosing on the pattern a bit. I started a sweater for the preschooler in a size 4 and I hope she will like it, I know her mom will love it.  I just separated the sleeves from the body and am chugging along with the body of the sweater.  I finally (finally!) got to the the color work part of the pattern of my hat for me.  The white and hot pink yarns are from odds and ends.  The black yarn is 1 1/2 skeins of baby ull by Dale Garn  that I had in deep stash.  It is the soft super-wash wool ever. I should be done with the second pair of mitts today or tomorrow, then I wi


Over the weekend I received a copy of the book Farm Girl  by Corinne Cunningham , a friend on instagram.  I won the copy on twitter, how cool is that.  I've known Corinne many years and heard all about the journey of writing this book.  I'm happy for her that her book is a reality.  I'm also happy to be reading it. My weekend was quiet and I made sure I was out walking every day to soak up the colors of fall.  The rainstorm on Saturday night made tons of leaves fall from the trees.  So pretty to see! We picked up dinners for the weekend instead of cooking, giving me lots of time to rest.  I read a lot and knitted a lot.  I'd like to finish some of my projects this week, let's see if that becomes reality. I finished the first pair of mitts and now started a second pair of mitts for holiday gift giving in the same colorway.  I unearthed some odd skeins in what looks like the same dyelot so I shoud get a second pair done easily. How was your w

Rest and Recover

Well no sooner did I beat a cold brilliantly without any antibiotics, the universe has decided to give me yet another virus.  The best case scenario is that it's a bad cold the worst case is it's a mild flu. I just got the flu shot October 14th so I don't think I'm completely covered by that, I don't know how that stuff works.  The reason I think it's a cold is that I had a sore throat some sneezing and a runny stuffy nose.  My flu theory is I am achy from head to toe and that is WITH tons of NSAIDS for arthritis pain.  I don't have a fever that I know of.  I guess it doesn't matter what it is.  Let's just say I feel somewhat crappy, but better than I thought I would feel.  I'm staying home and resting. When I was a kid, I would lounge on the living room sofa when I was home from school with whatever ailed me.  My mom wasn't doting (boo) but instead matter of fact with my litany of symptoms.  She would heat up homemade sweet iced

Knitting News

Good morning!  Thank you for all of your sweet comments about my trip last weekend.  I was a bit blurry with writing my post, I'm still lacking sleep and playing catch up.  But I am catching up!  I started a new knitting project for the preschooler.  I am knitting her another tiny tea leaves sweater this time in a size four for her Christmas gift that has to be completed by the beginning of December.  I'm in a mini time crunch with all I want to knit. My Christmas gift  mitts are nearly complete.  I have the second thumb to complete.  I have enough yarn left over to maybe make another pair.  I also have some loose ends of previous skeins in the same wool that could work.  Today I will be digging in my scrap bag to see if the dye lots are the same. My hat is finally at the body part of the fair isle pattern.  I chose to make a four inch ribbing band instead of one inch because I like to flip the band and double it up and I like a bit of a slouch.  Hopefully thi


Holly cat loaf This weekend we saw my husband's mother and family. The drive up and back was beautiful with the trees being in 'peak' color.  New York was beautiful. buffet restaurant getting all creative  We ate out each night, we did some shopping and some socializing with family. more creativity We visited his father's gravesite - it's been a year since September.  More time passing faster than ever. I'm home and both Holly and Frodo were so happy to see us!  How was your weekend?

This and That

This past week has felt like fall.  Oh my goodness, am I in my glory!  Where ever I drive I am treated to many maple trees at peak color.  They are the showiest of trees.  My favorite continues to be the oak trees, plain brown but a brilliant brown. I look best in all of the colors of fall.  I could wear each burnt orange, subdued red and yes, plain old brown in my wardrobe.  Sigh, I want to bottle up all of my good feelings about autumn and take them out during a July heat wave. I forgot to mention that I did win the virus war last week and did not go onto antibiotics.  Resting and more resting served me well.  The preschooler has taken a break from sharing her viruses.  Maybe she has none to share as well.  We had a great day on Tuesday and near the end of the day she fell asleep.  I wore her out.  Truth be told, I could have fallen asleep right with her if I wasn't on child care duty. Frodo had his annual check up late last week and the minor mini lumps and bumps