
Sand and Stone Shawl

I finished my citron shawl !  On Saturday night I was casting off about a billion stitches and was concerned about the amount of yarn that was left.  I was left with about 18 inches of wool....that was a close one. Yesterday I had troubles photographing the shawl.  For one, it was a dismal dark day, so I have to go from room to room trying to find scraps of light.  Secondly, lace weight is hard to photograph because of how see through it is. I've tucked this shawl away for the fall weather since spring is trying it's very best to arrive and stay.  Ravelry notes  What are you working on this week?


This was the 'bestest' weekend yet.  I'm breaking grammar rules just because I can.  Yesterday we had brilliant sunshine and a nice enough day to sit outside.  Since sunny days seem to be scant this spring season, I'm bottling up all the memories of the days that defy rain. Saturday I sat and read half of a book and finished it.  Reading a book all day made Saturday feel like Saturday.  My daughter and I are reading Middlemarch together so I needed to tidy up my current reading list to make room for an 880 page book. I'm also reading a memoir,  A River in Darkness, about a man who escapes North Korea. Today is my catch up day on the computer and visit all of you who visit me who have a blog!! How was your weekend? PS:  Frodo's groomer has opened an online shop and I've added the link to my sidebar.  If you have a lovely canine pet, she sells the best toys and treats to be found!!

Springtime Memories

Usually I write about how the month May reminds me of my grandmother and her garden.  I've written about her many times during this month and decided to expand my memories and write about other memories. I grew up going to Catholic schools and May was THE month when we all knew the school year was ending.  On warm days during high school,  the teachers would open the windows and I would struggle to focus on the lessons because my eyes would wonder to the windows and my mind would follow willingly to wishful thinking of being outdoors. Ordinarily I disliked gym class but in May we would play softball (outside!) and I would eagerly get into my gym uniform quickly so I could be outside as much as possible.  Every single class we attended, we would beg our teachers to have our class outside.  They nearly always said 'no' but I remember once a teacher said 'yes' much to our amazement. In Biology High School class we were allowed to walk the grounds looking

Knitting News

This post is brought to you by the color PINK.  (Sesame street reference).  Pink is a color I least knit with and rarely wear.  However I was inspired by my flowering apple tree to dig out some pink cotton yarn from deep stash to start another cardigan .  As always I am wondering if I have enough yarn but I could make 3/4 sleeves.  Ah, the thrills I seek while being home bound. My other new knitting project is a Helen Stewart shawl  using a pink gradient (the last one in my stash).  This shawl will be a holiday gift and I know the recipient will love it.  Pink is her color. Yesterday was a really good day because I started two new projects while knowing full well I have two projects that are close to being finished.  What are you working on this week?


My Weekend contained: walks on the dirt road phone calls from the kids an afternoon of painting and some photography enjoying the brilliant sunshine and warm weather lots of reading and knitting a gigantic deep clean of the bedroom moving furniture dusting and vacuuming  (and I am sore from head to toe) putting together the back yard swing and the patio umbrella baking another loaf of banana bread How was your weekend?

Blooming Violets

Good morning!  How has your week been?  This week was probably my best week to date with being productive and focusing on what I want to accomplish each day.  Also yesterday while it was tipping down buckets of rain, I really didn't lament about it. Usually I whine and whine (out loud and to myself) about the clouds and the dreariness of it all. Can't say why yesterday was a non-whining day but it made for a great mental attitude day in my head. The violets are blooming as well as my flowering apple tree and my dogwood trees, I hope to get out this weekend and get some photos during some partly sunny hours.  The forecast is looking quite summery and maybe we will get the swing and lawn furniture out so we can sit in nature. The above photo is Holly looking at her beloved nemesis.  She checks in on Frodo every morning sometimes sitting within one foot of him (he's under the ottoman).  I know Frodo knows that she is there, I'd like to believe he likes her com

Knitting News

Even though it doesn't look like I've made much progress on my citron shawl , believe me it's taking longer and longer to do each row. This is pure comfort knitting for me. As I've said previously though, I cannot watch TV unless the show is 'talky-talky'.  Based on how much wool is left I might be on the last increasing section.  I mentioned previously that I was thinking about what to make for gifts this holiday season (I know I am starting early). I was deep stash diving into my sock yarn collection and picked out colors for many of my knit worthy people. Will I do all this crazy sock knitting? I'm not sure but I'd like to think I would.  My gray and yellow socks are a pure delight to have on the needles and this project is a TV project! My second sock is just as fun as the first sock. What are you working on this week?


How was your weekend?  Mine was overly dreary outside.  Saturday was supposed to be a partly sunny day but Mother Nature didn't receive the memo.  I'd say maybe we had 30 minutes of sunshine total.  Even though Saturday was disappointing, we managed to squeeze in a walk get some fresh air and get our wiggles out. There is so much rain, the good news is that lots of bushes and trees are starting to sprout or bud.  I'm exited for the flowering crab apple tree this year, I think it's going to be beautiful. Sunday I watched Mass on Youtube while knitting my citron shawl.  I love Mass even more!  I do miss going to church and seeing all of my pew neighbors though. I didn't read as much as I would've liked this weekend mainly because I've been cross stitching up a storm.  It's my new (renewed?) obsession and a welcomed one.  In my mind I'm racing to finish the project before the shutdown is lifted a bit.  It's a fun virtual race.

Keeping Busy

Our daughter's birthday was this week and because we couldn't see her in person we sent flowers and presents.  As soon as we get together, I'm having a big fat piece of birthday cake with them after singing Happy Birthday!  How are you?  I've been busy keeping myself busy.  I'm scheduling out my days doing my best to push myself to relax and pursue my crafts and interests.  Most of the time I'm successful but as you know sometimes it's a challenge.  I've been upping my exercise and tweaking my diet all for a healthier 'me'.  My kidney doctor adjusted my meds for a better blood pressure reading and so I'm digging deep into my lifestyle to see what I can do as well.  As my dad says 'there's always room for improvement'.  I think it's genetics, but more yoga and lots of fruits and vegetables won't kill me! I'm sure living in this crazy stressful time isn't helping at all. This week has been a cloudy o