
Knitting News

  When in doubt, cast on a sock . I am loving this repeating striping pattern!! I know I've mentioned before that I've thrown away 3-4 pairs of my husband's hand knitted socks this winter because of unrepairable holes. He came downstairs yesterday and said yet another pair were on the brink! There is a sock imp causing mischief in this house. My goal is always to have socks on the needles for him until I catch up with the destruction. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was eventful as opposed to uneventful. On Saturday my sister and I picked up some smoothies and went to a local yarn store. Of course I bought more yarn - life is short. However I am very specific in what I buy and have a plan for the yarn. In my younger years I bought yarn because I liked it but didn't have a plan for it. I'm trying to be mindful in my purchasing. Sunday we all went to the conservatory to see their Orchid show and soak in all the greenery during the February brown days. I loved it and it was toasty warm in the conservatory.  Sunday afternoon I did a bit of sketching and relaxed.  How was your weekend?

Creative Bursts

  Yesterday I had a creative burst of energy. Where did it come from? Who knows but I love when it happens and I gleefully go along with it. As I've mentioned before I've had ennui when it comes to watercoloring or sketching. I do a lot of thinking about it but not actually picking up my art supplies and doing it. At the end of January I contemplated about how I enjoy writing haikus and then painting something that pairs with the words. So February first I started that art challenge. Will I do it every single day? I cannot say but I was excited to get started. The notebook I'm using is one that my sister handmade for me as a Christmas present. Isn't it beautiful? The regular evening journal (there are many journals in my life) I've been decorating with the millions of stickers I've accumulated in the past few years. I vow to not buy anymore stickers then I buy more stickers. I could say the same for yarn as well. Speaking of yarn, tomorrow I'll be at a local

Knitting News

  Well here is a project that is a blast from the past. According to my notes, I started this shawl on May 26th last year. I have repeatedly pushed this project aside for more important knitting. Once my scarf is completed which will be within 48 hours, I am focusing on this shawl. Of course there will be some newly cast on projects as well, I am a knitter and that is what knitters do!!  What are you working on this week? 


  This weekend was slow and easy. I'm still not feeling the best which makes canceling our travel plans to visit our grandson in Indiana the right decision. Our son face-timed me when our grandson had his first birthday cake. I was happy to witness his messy messy eating!! I am grateful for modern technology and being connected to those who live far away. Over the weekend, I did some mixed media art that is in the first photo and I did some watercoloring in the bottom photo. I've had weeks where I don't 'feel' like creating art. I've just accepted that it was a phase and I would want to get back to it eventually. Well this weekend was the weekend to feel excitement sitting with my papers and paints.  We did drop in a local art store as well on Saturday and I snapped that street art. My husband and I bought a few things then headed home. Over all the weekend was lots of resting and recovering. How was your weekend?

Change of Plans

  This morning my husband and I were planning a trip to Indiana to attend our sweet grandson's first birthday party. I wasn't feeling that great last week and early this week went to urgent care for a salivary gland infection and am on meds. The healing has been slow-going (I'm extremely impatient!). I'm seeing a specialist next week thankfully. Anyways, whenever we travel my dry eye and dry mouth symptoms (due to Sjogren's syndrome) are worse. I can only guess it's something to do with the long car ride and the dry air circulation in the car. Besides not feeling the best, I knew the car ride would not help me continue to recover. So we canceled. I haven't done much of anything this week except drink lots of water, finish reading a book or two and of course put in a few rows of knitting here and there. 

Motta Hat

  Good morning! How are you doing? Do you have snow? We are supposed to get some but so far nothing is happening.  I finished this lovely hat in mid-January and enjoyed every row and every blessed stitch. I am still trying to decide if I want a pom pom on it or not. I'm wearing it pom-pom-less and seeing if I like the way it looks and feels. If I do go for a pom pom it will be a removable one for hand-washing the hat. What are you working on this week?