
Another weekend has come and gone once again.  This past weekend my favorite (only) sister and brother in law come for a visit.  We had great fun! 

Friday night we had dinner at home then my sister and I went out to do a bit of shopping.  Once home we relaxed.  I did my knitting and she did her crocheting. 

Saturday morning we all headed out for a neighboring town's street festival.  I found some gifts to give for family and enjoyed strolling about looking at the creative pursuits of other people.  There were quite a few wood turners, pottery, and jewelry.  We did not eat any of the food but headed back home for lunch.

My sister and I spent the afternoon painting having the best time ever.  I am tentative and cautious in my watercoloring and she is bold and adventurous.  We made a big mess!

The above picture is a collaborative effort.  She did the watercoloring and said it needed something, so I took a pen and inked away. 

My sister gave me a wee little frame so I painted a wee little picture to put in the frame.  We had fun and I hope we can do this again the next time we are together.

Early this morning they left and I've played catchup with laundry and chores.  I've been sitting and knitting my shawl while the rain comes and goes.  Overall this weekend was fabulous!  How was your weekend?


  1. that tiny tiny frame is amazing! I love it. We had wonderful sunny weather after days and days of gloom and rain. Fireman saw his first oriole! Of the season!
    I had a baby shower for a much loved friend today. The weather let us all be outdoors on her lovely deck . The rains are coming and the horses will be plenty muddy in the morning.

  2. What fun you've been having with your sister! I love your little flower painting for that cute frame. The collaboration between you two is awesome. There are card makers who also watercolor. Kristina Werner is one of the best and does great things with that medium. I need to play with watercolor.

  3. How lucky you are to have a sister who is as creative as you are. It looks like you two had a wonderful time. Your joint creation is charming!

  4. I LOVE that collaborative watercolor and ink piece that you and you sister did! I really hope you can get together often to do more sisterly artwork!

  5. What a fabulous weekend! Your collaboration is perfect. I love having creative time with my sisters.

  6. You are blessed indeed with your sister's shared hobbies. You've made a very pretty momento together. I'm glad you enjoyed your relaxing weekend. I have shuffled papers into the recycling bin, sorted some yarny crafts in the lounge ottoman and swept out the caravan. Cathy x

  7. Oh, that sounds so good. I wish my sister and I shared hobby's. That would be so fun!
    My weekend was quite different. No beaches, no happy hours. We just worked on the house. And that made it one of the best weekends we ever had!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! For as much as I adore my own sisters, if I suggested we do something crafty, I think they would both faint (for different reasons). Thanks for sharing your weekend with us.

  9. That sounds amazing. I have no sisters so I can only imagine the fun you had.
    You two look so alike.. it's all in the eyes I think.

  10. Sounds like you had a fabulous visit! Love the water colors and wish my sister and I crafted together.

  11. What a fun weekend you had with your sister. I love that you made a big mess together. Creativity isn't meant to be neat and tidy. Thanks for sharing your lovely weekend.

  12. What a great time! I am really enjoying seeing your painting. You and your sister are both very talented!

  13. I love your collaborative effort, it is such a pretty picture! Will you frame it? I love when you share your visits with your sister. : )

  14. Your collaborative efforts are fantastic! What fun.


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