Forest Green Baby Sweater and Bonnet

I finished the baby sweater for my niece last Friday night then quickly scurried Ravelry to find a bonnet.  The sweater came out perfectly.

As I said, I managed to knit the sleeves in the round on double pointed needles, then when I went to knit the body I picked up the sleeve edges so I didn't have to seam.  Sadly I didn't take any pictures or notes.

I could knit this sweater in my sleep!

The bonnet is from Purl Soho.  I enjoyed the interesting construction of the hat especially the short row shaping.  I find that this hat could be worn either way.  I really don't think it looks like there is a true 'crown' of the hat.  I took photos so you could judge.

Maybe it depends on the baby's head?

the hat the way it's supposed to be worn
 Here's the sweater project page and here is the bonnet project page

the hat the way I think it should be worn.....


  1. That is a cute sweater and a really sweet bonnet! I agree with you; it could be worn either way. Your niece's baby will be warm and cozy in these!

  2. Darling! That bonnet though! I am with you on "how it should be" but how neat that it works either way!

  3. Oh my gosh! the sweater is so beautiful. And the bonnet!!! (which does appear to work both ways) Your niece's baby will be so well outfitted!

  4. Precious sweater and bonnet. The hat does look able to be worn either way.

  5. Such beautiful knits! I love the colour of the yarn. I agree that bonnet could be worn either way which is maybe a good thing as we are all tired when we are new mothers so trying to work out which way up may mean it is not worn x

  6. Both the sweater and the hat look great! I agree, the hat could go either way. And the sweater buttons are perfect. I was assuming you'd use cute, kiddo buttons but those are perfect. Simple sweater with simple buttons. Love it!

  7. What a lovely color for a baby ensemble! ...and I can't wait to hear how the bonnet vote turns out - I could go either way!

  8. Oh that is an amazing sweater and bonnet set. GREAT JOB!!!!

  9. The sweater and bonnet are darling. How will the baby choose to wear the bonnet? Will he or she leave it on or pull it off? What is next in your knitting queue?

  10. A great finish and love the green.

  11. Gorgeous sweater and baby hat. And of course the Green Bay green is a win!


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