Monitoring Mindfulness

This week was my reentry into babysitting.  I had a lovely month off which went by way too quickly.  From now until June, I will be babysitting once a week without any holidays or breaks unless there is a snow day.  The preschooler and I have some great times, we try to get a walk in as long as it isn't too cold or too windy.  We bundle up and talk non stop about shiny rocks.  There's a lot to be said about shiny rocks and what constitutes as a 'good' shiny rock.  I have learned that she is the expert and I am the apprentice.

I witnessed a beautiful yet unexpected snowfall mid-week.  Glorious!  I was happy to wake up to a few inches of snow and eager to wear my new snow boots (the above photo is not a photo of my snow boots!).

I've been tracking my days in my daily planner diligently.  I'm surprised by a few things after only a mere ten days into 2020.  When I track what I'm doing, I want to write down something interesting.  Surfing the 'net isn't interesting and I don't want that to be my everything.  I've found that I'm consciously choosing what I do with my time in a meaningful way.  I am knitting and reading for longer periods without a glance at twitter (yay!).  I am knitting more enthusiastically and I am slowly inching towards a better menu plan.  I'm documenting nature sightings at the end of the day.

I feel relaxed and calm with this approach.  So far.  I know it's early days and I know there will be days when I am flying by the seat of my pants with a myriad of chores and I won't be able to write much if at all about my creativity.

I am really really trying to enjoy what I'm doing while I'm doing it.  Driving to work?  I'm enjoying my scenery instead of being impatient with the slow car in front of me.  There is always a slow car in front of me.  Focusing on the task I'm doing makes time slow down a bit.  Cooking dinner?  I'm focusing on that.  I feel that multitasking is important and has its purposes but it fractures the attention a bit much.

 There are days when I cannot make every single moment meaningful the way I want to, so I celebrate the pockets of where I can.  Yesterday for instance, my husband and I went to a neighboring town for him to peruse the vinyl records.  I took my Kindle and read ten pages of Grant (while there was loud music playing) and he shopped without me nagging him to hurry up. 

I'll continue to keep you updated on how this goes throughout the year. 


  1. Tracking your days sounds like it has had such positive effects that I am tempted to try it myself! I am far too impatient far too often in addition to wasting time, but don't want to write that every day, so I'm getting a journal today while motivation is high! Thank you (and I love those boots whoever they belong to!)

  2. I love those little unicorn boots (and I love that you have new boots too!) And, your description of your walks with her brought a smile to my face - what a lovely way to think about rocks - that you are her apprentice! Have a great weekend! XO

  3. Your little toddler sounds like she is a lot of fun. And, I LOVE those boots!!

    I like what you've written about tracking your days - sounds like it is working well for you. For the past couple of years whenever I've found myself becoming impatient (particularly on my commute to and from work), I too have been focusing on the scenery and also practicing my yoga breathing. It really works! (although the other day I said some "rough" words to a driver who irritated me - lol)

    1. I was behind someone driving 10 miles UNDER the speed limit, I nearly lost my mind!

  4. Karen, I love how you are tracking your days. I have made a conscious effort to be on social media less often and while I experienced a little anxiety at first (fear of losing touch with my online friends) I also found that I was spending more time being in the present moment. I've also begun to narrow my focus regarding art; I returned to my horticulture watercolor classes and am trying to be less all over the place in regards to creativity. I don't track my days but I do keep a journal where I write daily. It's made such a difference!

    1. cutting back is a good thing over all and like you I don't want to lose friendships!

  5. Question... How do you work, and baby-sit? Did I miss something? -smile-

    I took care of our first Grand daughter (now a 27 year old Electrical Engineer!!!) from the time she was 1 1/2 and they moved back here. 5 days a week. And all vacations and summers. It was a nice but hard "job." -smile- My husband also did his part, when he was not working, of course. He "played" with her!!!!! I was never a Great Playing Mom or Nana. -grin-

    Lovely that you are continuing to do, what you decided you wanted to do. As long as it stays "good for you."

    Mindfullness!!!!! "They" say it is wonderful, and for a change, I agree!!! -smile-

    Love a picture, from outside, showing the lovely glow of indoors lights!!!!!!

    I have decided to (mostly) give up on wishing for snow. It is just depressing me. I would rejoice, at a beautiful snow fall. But can't keep being 'grim,' without it. How is that for Wisdom?!?!?! -grinnnnn-


    1. I only babysit one day a week and that is my only job, I guess I'm semi retired after being a stay at home mom to my two adult kids who are on their own.

  6. Such a lovely post Karen. Your contentedness and happiness positively shines though in this post. A great start to the year, I hope you can continue with this groove.

  7. So sorry those are not your snow boots . They are cute. I love you post this time on mindfulness. Makes me take a lok at my days a bit differently and appreciate the small things that normally go unnoticed.

  8. Your doing great at this! I'd like to focus more on recording my days, but I find right now that it feels like another chore and that's not how it should be done. Maybe I'll start doing that later.

  9. Beautiful pictures of the snow. I love that you take your Kindle and read while your hubby shops for his hobby. This is a great post for me since I am trying to be more intentional this year. I have kept a daily journal for years so I think it can be a good and even therapeutic thing to be mindful and intentional with our time. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Lovely pictures.. and miss Holly ! ( yes, I always love cats..). What 'method' do you use to track your days, is it a bullet journal of some kind ? I am curious, as I started out tracking some things as well, but my method doesn't work, obviously, and I already missed a few days..
    What I am also curious about, is why you feel multitasking is important ? To me it always felt like that too, probably because we are made to believe it is a good thing and works well. But I think, at least for me, that it works better when I do things just one thing at the time...

    1. I don't think multi tasking is important, however I tend to do it because I get done faster at stuff. I am happier doing one thing at a time overall!

  11. Your happiness and contentment shines through. I smiled at your view on being an apprentice to a toddler on the subject of rocks.

  12. Wow! What gorgeous snowy pictures. The snow in the dark is So cold and yet the light shining through the window is so warm! Do you ever print out your photos to include in your journal?

    1. I do not print my photos for myself. But I make a calendar for my sister and my dad every year as a gift and they love them.

  13. I am intrigued by the way you track your time in your planner. I hope you are willing to share the details. Beautiful photos of the snow. We had a short squall yesterday. I am in the minority but I'd like a little more.

  14. This all sounds wonderful except for the boots. I'm disappointed those aren't your boots. ;-D

  15. I love the light from the window photo. Great job! Snow boots...yeah. Necessary and there is ICE under our little snow. We have to be very careful!

  16. I love the idea that just because every moment can't be "mindful" doens't mean we should give up. and that photo of the warm light on the snow-covered lawn is perfect. xoxo.

  17. What kind of music does he look for?

    1. he collects mostly 1970's music and early 80's. He likes progressive rock the most I guess.


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