Knitting Haven

We celebrated my husband's birthday this week.  He had to work a very long day so it wasn't the best birthday ever, however I bought him a carrot cake roll and that makes all those late working days a bit easier to do. 

Spring feels so close I can touch it!  Holly has resumed her perch on the windowsill watching dawn break and the birds tweeting and hopping around.  She is endlessly entertained.  This week when I babysat the preschooler on Tuesday she was naming all the birds.  What amused me greatly was her made up names for every single one.  I would respond 'no that's a robin' and she would say 'no Mrs. Karen it's a cocklebird'.  hm  okay, I'm going to go with that.

What I love best about my one day a work week is that it is only one day and it wipes out any other thoughts in my head.  I like the day with the preschooler!

Wish me luck, today I have to see a new medical specialist for possibly more medical tests because of a referral from the (new) RA doctor.  I've imagined all sorts of possible outcomes and have tired my self out in the process.  I truly am my own worst enemy. 

I doubt I will have answers today but if and when I know more I will share with you all.  In the meantime send good good wishes.

My knitting has been a blessing as I go round and round and round doing my color work in peace.  Knitting is a wondering haven.  Busy hands = calm mind.

My sister, brother in law, daughter and son in law are visiting this weekend!!  I am so excited and know I will have a really good time with them. 


  1. Knitting hands do make for a calm mind. Knitting is a very good thing! Happy weekend!! XO

  2. Karen, I will be praying for you today as you see this new specialist. New (especially when it comes to the medical field) gets me all nervous so I can understand how you are feeling. Enjoy the weekend with your family. xo

  3. Sending good thoughts! The unknown is always a bit worrisome, but I'm glad you have beautiful knitting for calm and a family visit for fun.

  4. Your knitting is so pretty and yes, knitting certainly calms one. It's like a form of meditation for me. Sending you all the best wishes for positive outcomes and I hope you like the new specialist. Cocklebird just cracks me up! I love it.

  5. Your preschooler sounds like quite a character. What a precious age she is. Knitting is the balm for all our troubles. My knitting group at church was surprised to hear I knit during Adoration each week. After they thought about it they agreed, it is the perfect time to let the mind clear and let God speak while we listen. Happy belated bday to your hubby. A carrot roll cake sounds most wonderful.

  6. Oh. I am so hoping for you and the medical team to find an answer for you. Big Hugs. .Knitting leaves takes my mind off my broken butt for a bit!
    I love your knit colors.

  7. Happy Birthday to your husband!

    Best wishes with your testing!!!!

  8. Happy Birthday to your husband. Enjoy the family visit this weekend. Good luck with the doctor visit. I love your knitting.

  9. No sense arguing with a preschooler! Hope the appointment went well.

  10. A belated happy birthday to your husband. I am sorry to hear that you have worried, I do hope they have been calmed by good news after your appointment. Thank you goodness for the calmness of knitting, your sweater is looking wonderful.

  11. Hope your appointment went well and you have good information to help. Love 3 year olds, they are so full of magic.

  12. Knitting is amazingly calming! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. You have to love the imagination and verve of preschoolers. My little grandson (4) and I have the most interesting conversations via FaceTime. I hope your medical referral goes well. I often imagine the worst. I think it is the unknowns. What would we do without our knitting to keep us calm? I hope your family visit was fun. The blue sky is something to behold.

  14. Sending good thoughts! Don't worry about it too much, even if you get a new or different diagnosis, it's just giving a name to what's already there. (this is what I tell myself in situations like this).
    I like the cockle bird ;-)

  15. That little one sounds adorable. Glad your hubbs had some good carrot cake after a long day of work on his actual b-day.


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