
Showing posts with the label sketching


  How was your weekend? Mine was relaxing and 'ordinary'. I spent most of Saturday reading books or knitting or sitting and relaxing. It was a fantastic restful day. Frodo is getting old and only wants to sit outside for about 20 minutes then he wants back inside.  On Sunday, we went to Mass and I endured a speaker (after the sermon) who was going to 'keep it short' which is code for another 10 minutes which is not short at all. My wish and desire is that they put it in the bulletin.  Sunday afternoon was more of the same as on Saturday just add my laundry. I sketched (!) on both days, feeling rusty but definitely loving the time I spent in my sketchbook. How was your weekend?


  And just like that, spring has arrived. Yesterday was a warm and sunny day - everything is starting to bloom. Maybe it's a little earlier than usual compared to previous springs, but I do like it. The weather is heading back to colder weather over the weekend and I thought I heard the word snow once more in the forecast.  Spring is such a fickle season and that is one of the reasons I like it.  I pulled my sketchbook out to draw a downy woodpecker. I was outside and heard a woodpecker and used the merlin app to identify the bird. I then fell down a rabbit hole of differentiating a downy woodpecker from a hairy woodpecker (I do love a rabbit hole!). I spontaneously wanted to try a sketch. I could list a million things wrong with my sketch, but I am focusing on the fact that I did a sketch and did enjoy the process. Creativity also blooming. I hope you are experiencing some spring time magic where you are!!


  Good morning! This week has been busy with classes and routine doctor appointments. The arthritis doctor has a few tricks up her sleeve for some of my dry mouth issues (from my autoimmune disease - Sjorgren's Syndrome) that make me feel hopeful. What was the most important thing during that doctor visit is that I felt seen and heard. I am thankful for her and her team. Speaking of hopefulness, look at my daffodils sprouting up! Some of the daffodils are just starting and some already have a head start. I love winter, but I'm looking forward to spring. The crocuses seem to be taking their time this year, as well as the snowdrops (unless those pesky deer have eaten them, grr). Even though I am still knitting my baby blanket, I have gathered four skeins of potential socks to be and am dreaming of a wonderful sock frenzy cast on. 

Animal Mayhem

  This has been a good week, I've been able to walk most days and I try my best to get outside before it's too hot for both me and dear old Frodo. I'll take him for his short jaunt around the neighborhood then I go back out after taking him home for my longer walk. This walking rhythm is nice.  How are you?  Two days ago, Holly decided to be a mischievous cat and taunt her friend (nemesis). She first hid behind the drapery getting a 'look see' on sleeping Frodo. I love the concern in her eyes. Then she decided to move around behind the couch, she made sure that when he smelled her presence she was visible but out of reach. That is the game. He cannot hear but boy oh boy can he catch her scent and see pretty good. There was barking and hissing. Frodo was so happy! And you know what? Holly was happy as well. She is the one who started the game and she had opportunities to leave the family room and chose not to leave. My husband and I gave up trying to watch TV because

Flower Story

  Good morning! How are you during this warmer than usual week? Today will be 90 degrees, oh my! I am trying to ignore the hot as best as I can.  Frodo and I sit outside on the back patio for little bits until one of us is too hot. It's a system! I've been working on that little blanket (final knit for now) for the granddaughter-to-be and hopefully will finish it tomorrow or definitely Sunday. I do not have enough yarn, so the blanket will be the size that it ends up! This week I've watched my ONE peony blossom do its magic. Every morning I check the status, always amazed at the beauty of it all. My sister just gave us more peonies to plant and every morning when they are watered I send lots of well wishes and hopefulness that the transplants take hold during this hot week. Easing back into a consistent art habit has been bumpy but I've found that being lenient on myself helps. I just do what is inspiring me. The other day was a doodle page with ONE bold fine line marke

Rainy Friday

  Good morning to all of you on this rainy Friday morning. This past week I enjoyed lots of sunny days and so I must let them go and welcome the rain. I'm reminding myself that the flowers will grow and the green will become greener, if that is a word, okay, maybe 'more green'. How are you doing?  I have been enjoying my knitting nearly every single day. And as always creative pursuits are coming along as well. Most of March was a minimally creative experience because of my dad in the hospital. This past Tuesday we drove up to visit him and my step mom and it was wonderful to see him up and about talking and planning out all he wants to do around his property as he continues to feel better. I feel the maximum amount of gratitude. In my creativeness the first thing to disappear during stress is consistent artwork sessions. For some reason, showing up and sketching or painting is the last thing I want to do. I tend to read a bunch or knit a bunch. The knitting is simple and t


  Currently I'm enjoying the spring weather. One day it's cold the next day it's hot. Regardless of whether it's cold or hot, the flowers still bloom and the sun still shines. Yesterday my husband and I sat on the back patio in the afternoon and it felt like summertime. I'm dressing in layers so I am ready for whatever the weather might be.  Currently I'm feeling the urge to paint and sketch. There are no goals, I'm just doing whatever I want on a whim. Doodles are calling me and exploring abstract composition also is inviting. No matter the inspiration, I'm excited to finally be exploring with my art supplies.  Currently Holly is being a bold cat, sneaking in while Frodo sleeps. To her advantage, he cannot hear well so she has more liberty in her movements. She loves to bring toy mice to my husband and there are usually four or five toy mice in areas where he is sitting. So cute.


  Hello! How are you all doing? If you celebrate Easter, are you ready? My sister is hosting this year and it will be a very small gathering. This week has been relaunching my 'regular' life. After playing catchup with all that was left undone before we went to Indiana, I've been slowly re-entering my daily habits. My husband is still dealing with a nasty asthma flare up. These spring allergies are crazy! During an intense heat up in one day, we quickly assembled our back patio only to welcome back cold cold weather. Yesterday it rained all day and I drove up to my dad's house for a little visit. I haven't seen him since he was in the hospital. Frodo strained a shoulder muscle before our trip and is good as new after his kennel stay. He is back at 'patrolling' the neighborhood. (patrolling is code for barking). He loves when the kids get off the bus! I've been seeking inspiration in my life. Whenever I think of a meal that we both like and I haven't


  How has your week been?  I'm excited to tell you all about the crocuses that are blooming while we had an unusual warm up that is ending today. My husband was working in our little woods and shared a photo with me. Then yesterday, I was in the front yard and spotted these crocuses blooming. I hope it isn't too early for them. Sadly where the snowdrops usually bloom, the deer have been nibbling on them.  Frodo has been having a rough week. We went on two walks last Sunday and he must have strained or did something to his back, that is the best guess we can get between our observations and conversations with the vet.  Monday morning, Miss Holly had a vet checkup and we expended all our energy catching her and putting her in her carrier that she detests. Well she detests being caught as well.  So while we were there we discussed her brother's ailments. So Frodo has been on 'bedrest' -- meaning no lengthy walks and has some pain medication. He is improving and for tha


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was eventful as opposed to uneventful. On Saturday my sister and I picked up some smoothies and went to a local yarn store. Of course I bought more yarn - life is short. However I am very specific in what I buy and have a plan for the yarn. In my younger years I bought yarn because I liked it but didn't have a plan for it. I'm trying to be mindful in my purchasing. Sunday we all went to the conservatory to see their Orchid show and soak in all the greenery during the February brown days. I loved it and it was toasty warm in the conservatory.  Sunday afternoon I did a bit of sketching and relaxed.  How was your weekend?

Creative Bursts

  Yesterday I had a creative burst of energy. Where did it come from? Who knows but I love when it happens and I gleefully go along with it. As I've mentioned before I've had ennui when it comes to watercoloring or sketching. I do a lot of thinking about it but not actually picking up my art supplies and doing it. At the end of January I contemplated about how I enjoy writing haikus and then painting something that pairs with the words. So February first I started that art challenge. Will I do it every single day? I cannot say but I was excited to get started. The notebook I'm using is one that my sister handmade for me as a Christmas present. Isn't it beautiful? The regular evening journal (there are many journals in my life) I've been decorating with the millions of stickers I've accumulated in the past few years. I vow to not buy anymore stickers then I buy more stickers. I could say the same for yarn as well. Speaking of yarn, tomorrow I'll be at a local


  This weekend was slow and easy. I'm still not feeling the best which makes canceling our travel plans to visit our grandson in Indiana the right decision. Our son face-timed me when our grandson had his first birthday cake. I was happy to witness his messy messy eating!! I am grateful for modern technology and being connected to those who live far away. Over the weekend, I did some mixed media art that is in the first photo and I did some watercoloring in the bottom photo. I've had weeks where I don't 'feel' like creating art. I've just accepted that it was a phase and I would want to get back to it eventually. Well this weekend was the weekend to feel excitement sitting with my papers and paints.  We did drop in a local art store as well on Saturday and I snapped that street art. My husband and I bought a few things then headed home. Over all the weekend was lots of resting and recovering. How was your weekend?


  It seems that I get sidetracked in many ways. Above is a delightful array of mini-skeins of lolodit sock yarn and a skein of tough love sock by sweet georgia yarn that will be a good things scarf  I've been blissfully thinking of all the combinations I can do with what I have in my stash. The possibilities are endless.  So while I knit and mull over this multi-yarn scarf design. I am knitting up many gnomes. I'll be posting a photo soon, they are Christmas gifts and I need to think through who sees what. I believe I can post here with minimal viewings by my family. I've been sketching daily in October except for the last two days which were 'busy'. So now I am three days behind that I'll catch up over the weekend, hopefully.  The weather has been glorious this week. Lots and lots of blue skies, the air is crisp and the mornings are cold. Not only that but a cold front is coming through. yay! October has been inspirational for my creativity and my motivations


  How was your weekend? Mine was pretty nice overall. My husband and I went to a garden center for ONE pumpkin for the front door and ONE mum to be planted in the front yard. Last year we bought three mums and none of them survived. I have no idea why, but also those pesky deer nibble them as well. So why invest in them if they will be disappearing? The weather continues to be gloriously lovely. Definitely cool days and sometimes drizzly like yesterday. We took a walk in the drizzle mist and gosh it was refreshing. Even Frodo loved it. I love this in between weather! I did not take a photo of my manic gnome making for the holidays. I have tons of worsted weight wool scraps and I'm just winging it as I go. What fun! Kat  has made many beautiful gnomes! I have dreams of depleting the scrap bag.....let's see if that dream becomes reality. How was your weekend?

This and That

  The last day of September! This month went fast for me and with the fastness came lovely cooler weather that seems to be endless in the forecast every morning when I check on it. My husband is sad that summer is over and keeps hoping for a mini heat wave, not me at all. Being cold is where I want to be! I've been furiously knitting Christmas presents that I will share next week with you in detail. On a whim I cast on something for myself but now I'm rethinking the yarn and the colors I chose for the project. So until I figure out exactly what I am doing that little project is on a temporary hold. I've been sketching daily, well I'm trying to sketch daily. I feel rusty and the only way to 'unrust' my skills is to practice every single day. I have all the pencils right by my side along with my sketchbook so there's no excuse for me. Frodo and I have been thoroughly enjoying our daily walks in the neighborhood. Each time I'm outside I make a mental note o