Knitting News


Good morning! How are all you lovely people? 

My knitting this week has been slow. I am feeling better and because of that I am knitting once more. On the left is a simple cowl of my own design that I call knit doodling. The pattern is two rows of knit one purl one, one knit row then one purl row. That's it, then I go on repeat. 

To be honest the hat on the right hasn't been touched until I took the project out of my bag for this photograph!

I ended up going to express care on Monday for some modern magical medicine to treat a nasty sinus infection. I would love to tell you all about my resolutions and plans for the new year. Sadly the extended family visit and nearly three weeks of feeling awful have waylaid any intentions. Sitting upright was my goal yesterday, ha ha ha.

I am eager to get back to my regular exercise routine and of course knit something new. Non-credit courses start back up again in a few weeks as well.

What are you working on this week?


  1. I am making myself some sock mystery bags to inspire me to knit socks this year! (like the Yarn Harlot did... I am not aiming for a dozen though! lol)

  2. I hope you achieved sitting up and that you're feeling better soon. Knitting something cheerful like the cowl on the left might help. I thought it was crocheted at first, but the knitting needles say otherwise!

  3. I love the colors in the yarn of the cowl. So pretty.

  4. Like Bonny said, the cowl almost looks like crochet. The colors are so cheerful and spring-like they will certainly cheer anyone up on a winter's day. I sure hope you are feeling better soon. I'm afraid I may have caught the cold that Fletch had. Yuck! I'm knitting a hat, fingerless mitts and socks!

  5. Love the yarn that you are using for your cowl and thought at first it was crochet too. I’m working on a sock, a vest and enjoying a little spinning. Glad to hear you are beginning to feel better.

  6. Hope you feel 100% soon! I finished up a wool hot pad made with leftover yarn!

  7. I too am sending you caring thoughts and prayers. Can you tell me how many stitches you cast on for your cowl? It is beautiful....and a great project I might like to try!!

  8. I love the color or the cowl. Feel better soon. 'Tis the season for sickness.

  9. I started a colorwork yoke sweater and it's so fun to see the pattern showing up. Take care of yourself and feel better soon!

  10. I hope you achieved your goal of sitting upright and that the modern medicine is helping you feel better The cowl will be pretty with the spring-like colors. I'm working on a shawl and fingerless mitts but I'm itching to cast on a sweater and a hat. Why is it that the next project is always more enticing?


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