Snow Days


As I sit at the kitchen table typing this post, the snow is gently falling down. I guess we are getting 3-5 inches of snow today, maybe. You never know if they are guessing right or not. I am so grateful to have a warm house and lots of knitting to keep me busy.

I've been mainly working on the baby blanket in the evenings. During the day when I am free, I tend to work on a shawl. I love my January knitting! I have no deadlines (self imposed but still freeing).

My Tai Chi class started up this past week! Oh my, I missed the class while we were on break and it was so nice to be once again moving my body not remembering the sequence and being at peace with the not knowing. Delightful!

As you can see, I did some watercolor painting the other day. I resist pulling out my paints but when I do take them out and paint I enjoy myself and wonder why I resist? A mystery. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend and are warm inside if you are getting the same storm.


  1. What a pretty little pot of flowers you have painted! It's snowing here too and I'm excited!!

  2. The watercolors are so refreshingly petty on these cold snowy days. Your painting is beautiful. We are expecting a lot more snow this weekend also, here in Western New York. Go Bills! :)

  3. Snow here as well... we might have already gotten 3" or so and it is still coming down! Woo! Happy Friday!

  4. Snow gently falling while you're inside with watercolors and knitting sounds just about perfect! I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  5. Our cold weather is lifting so I am excited to go out for longer walks. I am also playing with my watercolors and trying my hand at sketching this month.

    1. Oops - forgot to log in before I published my comment. Better get more coffee.

  6. Your water color painting is so pretty, Karen. We are also getting the same storm. They are saying 4-6 inches possible. We shall see. We had about two inches of fresh snow on the road this morning when we got up and it has snowed all day here.

  7. Your water color is beautiful. Perhaps you are getting the most recent storm that blew through here yesterday. I'm loving these snowy days. Once again it's going to be a brutally cold weekend but next week is looking warmer.

  8. Lovely watercolor Karen ☺️ I miss snowy days and hope that you enjoy yours. Stay warm, knit, paint and enjoy all the things you love.

  9. We had snow too and it was marvelous. We hadn't had snow in over three years. We all enjoyed it so much. Good to hear you are moving and knitting and doing all the things that bring you joy.

  10. Your watercolor painting is so nice and good your Tai Chi classes are back on. Your knitting sounds lovely and I can't wait to cast on a new project soon! Hope you are enjoying the new year so far :)


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