Knitting News


My knitting this week has been minimal, no excuses for me. It is what it is. I am finally on the ribbing of the body of my fair isle pullover sweater. Just think I'll be whipping through some sleeves in no time. I guess it does take a lot of time to knit the body.

As I mentioned before, I'm making two Christmas stockings for the newlyweds for their home and one for my daughter-in-law at my home. I found two skeins of red and I highly doubt all three stockings will be made, I wish I would have kept better notes when I made these for my daughter and son in law for their first Christmas. 

Last but not least this hat! I am so close to finishing it and yet it sits at the bottom of my knitting bag. I do remember now that the decreasing was all done in one color so that makes my knitting a bit easier. 

What have you been working on this week?


  1. Very pretty projects - all of them! I'm knitting socks (of course) and I need/want to get back to my Guernsey Wrap. It won't knit itself! The pull to get outside is strong - especially after how nice last week was, but today is grey and chilly.

  2. I love all your projects and I know you'll have them all finished up in no time! :)

  3. Three projects? I don't ever remember you working on that many projects at once. I don't think that sweater has taken all that long for you to knit. You seem to be a pretty fast knitter. The red yarn for the stocking is very pretty. It looks to be a true red. I am sure the newlyweds will be so pleased. Hopefully, you will all be able to he together this Christmas.

  4. You've got lots of great projects in the works. I'm glad to hear that someone else wishes they took better notes. I'm finally learning that saying, "Oh, I'll remember" is rarely true for me!

  5. Such a great idea to start on stockings for Christmas for the newlyweds! I'm working slowly but surely on a spring green pima cotton scarf/shawl still.

  6. Lovely WIP!!! And some soon to be FOs!! How exciting! Once the weather starts to warm up, I have trouble keeping focused on anything big or wooly. Soon time to be moving on to socks again (still!)...might try to do a bunch of shortie/sneaker socks this time around.

  7. For not much knitting it looks to me like you got a lot done! Good luck with your beautiful projects. Stay safe.

  8. Love your knitting. You sure have a lot of it in your future. Can't wait to see the finished products.

  9. Your knitting projects are always so lovely. You are so talented. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  10. All of these projects are lovely. Oh yes, the I'll remember how I knit this syndrome. I think my notes will tell the story but often they aren't well written. Let's see, I'm working on the blanket/throw and a pair of mitts this week. Other projects on the needles but they haven't had much love.

  11. I'm envious of your colorwork projects. I must note in my brain to work on my Hermione yoke this weekend.

  12. Hi Karen,
    ...all your knitting is so pretty...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  13. Oh your stockings will be forever special. That sweater is a work of art. the hat too!!!! very nice

  14. The detail on the sweater is incredible.


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