
Showing posts with the label holiday


  Good morning to you! How have you been? Are you almost ready for Christmas? Around here it's been a little full in the days with running around but I continue to find my pockets of peace whenever I sit down and knit. I'm grateful for that always. The house is decorated and most of the shopping is done. I finished my Christmas gift knitting (yay). I saw my new rheumatologist again earlier this week - I adore her immensely, she is kind, funny and oh so knowledgeable. After a multitude of blood tests and asking questions I've never ever been asked before by any of my previous arthritis doctors (the questions were long and mighty), she has diagnosed me with Sjogren's Syndrome . I first presented arthritis symptoms in 1997 but was never in a specific category. I was told back then I did mostly rheumatoid arthritis and a little bit of lupus. Back then the blood tests weren't specific either compared to current bloodwork being done. This new doctor is switching my medici

This and That

  How are you all doing? I'm doing great and am in the midst of the tail end of the Christmas knitting marathon. I might be down to one project.  I've been enjoying my bird feeder and identifying the birds that come to visit. And the new squirrel proof feeder does work! However it is not raccoon proof so we bring it in every single night. All I can say is at least it's not a BEAR. So far no bear sightings but never say never... The above photo is a snap of my Christmas junk journal that I whipped together with scrapbook paper and some Christmas cards. I'm joining in with Brie at Documented Journey on You Tube (she's on Instagram as well) with her Create December and daily prompts until the 25th.  The other evening, Miss Holly crept into the family room to sit by her beloved (aka not me) while Frodo was sleeping under the ottoman. Let me tell you this, she is one brave determined kitty. Luckily for us, Frodo is completely oblivious to her presence and it remained a

Even More Mitts

  Good morning! How are you? Can you believe it is December 1st?? I'm thrilled to report that I've knit up another two pairs of the peekaboo mitts and I am done (well I think I am done) with the mitt knitting frenzy. There is a slim chance that I will knit one more pair for my husband but I will convert them to traditional mittens....that is still marinating in my little old brain. I did not make a new project page for these two pairs of mitts but added them to a project page for the previous mitts I made. I believe I've knit up five pairs of mitts for this holiday season. What are you working on this week?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was my birthday weekend!  To be honest though I've been celebrating for a few weeks. Why not? My sister and brother in law came over on Saturday for dinner and apple cake. Of course I opened presents as well.  Below in the photo are some of them. My sister crocheted the red basket and I received some books and pens from my husband (how did he know??). I also received some new rain boots to slip on and off quickly when I take the dog outside and a new tote bag.  I put up the little tree yesterday since our son and and daughter in law will be visiting mid week! I'm assuming Holly will not bring it down, fingers crossed. How was your weekend?

Around Here

  Can you believe it will be Thanksgiving next week? I'm dazed. I have some Christmas gifts that have to be ready for that day so I'll be wrapping them and singing Christmas music. I continue to be on task for all of my knitting goals and what's even better, I'm enjoying all the knitting that I'm doing.  Around here I've been mulling over whether to put up one or two Christmas trees. Over the years I've simplified but lately 'going big' seems like a fun thing to do. Our big Christmas tree box was battered from the move so if I put up the tree then I can repair the box again. My big concern is Miss Holly and her investigative spirit. She is four years old, is she going to behave? She hasn't bothered with the cuckoo clock chains like I thought she would...but I just don't trust her! Around here my reading has been mostly about mindfulness for months and months. I plan to continue with that since being mindful keeps me happy.  However I've d

Ruby and Sage Mitts

 I know, I know you all are just stunned that I am finishing so many holiday knits. I've finished two pairs of mitts for my daughter and son in law for Christmas. This mitt pattern ( peekaboo mitts ) is a very fast knit and I've already started the third pair as I type this post up this morning. After the manic mitt knitting I intend to switch to hat knitting (also speedy knitting). What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  I started two new projects this weekend. First off is a smaller baby blanket for the grandbaby-to-be in a soft gray cotton yarn. I'm not sure I have enough yarn but I think I can rejigger the pattern to accommodate my 10 yards missing, wish me luck! My other new project is a cowl for a Christmas gift, let's hope I finish this by Thanksgiving because that is when I am gifting it, ha. The yarn is from stash and the pattern has a simple cable design that I thought looked nice. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  I know what you might be thinking. There should be a finished project, like the baby blanket or the poncho or the never ending shawl. Well hopefully next week the baby blanket will be done. But instead of focusing my energy on madly dashing over the knitting finishing line, I decided to cast on something new. I am making a pair of fingerless mitts for Christmas giving. I was happy to be knitting a small project for a change. I hope to make more mitts for more people in my life over the next few months. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  My knitting this week has been minimal, no excuses for me. It is what it is. I am finally on the ribbing of the body of my fair isle pullover  sweater. Just think I'll be whipping through some sleeves in no time. I guess it does take a lot of time to knit the body. As I mentioned before, I'm making two Christmas stockings for the newlyweds for their home and one for my daughter-in-law at my home. I found two skeins of red and I highly doubt all three stockings will be made, I wish I would have kept better notes when I made these for my daughter and son in law for their first Christmas.  Last but not least this hat ! I am so close to finishing it and yet it sits at the bottom of my knitting bag. I do remember now that the decreasing was all done in one color so that makes my knitting a bit easier.  What have you been working on this week?

Knitting News

  I'm looking at my knitting for the past week and it doesn't seem like I've done much of anything. The photo above is the start of a Christmas stocking for the newlyweds for their home (yes, I am knitting for Christmas 2021....). I'll make two and stitch their names on each of them.  Then I'll make one for my house with my daughter in law's name on it for my collection.  I made these stockings for my daughter and son in law when they were married. My mother wrote out the pattern and so I cannot say where the original is from. I'm guessing from a long ago holiday issue of McCall's magazine. Maybe. My pullover sweater is coming along quite nicely. I'm half way to through the body of the sweater. I love this project so much and it's a comfort to knit and have on my lap while watching TV in the evenings. What are you working on this week?

So Much Snow

  Well we received about 15 inches of snow and it took my husband half a day to clear the driveway and a spot for Frodo.  I am thankful that the electricity stayed on, they weather forecasters were predicting high winds and for us that did not occur.  Phew! I've been busy knitting and reading as well as listening to podcasts.  I continue to meditate daily managing my stress.  I consider the meditating a way to fill my 'bucket'.   I've also been sketching out how I want my Christmas day to look like since its a simplified Christmas without family or friends. We usually watch many Christmas movies leading up to the big day but this year we are thinking of doing a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter  movie marathon.  Something different and non-sentimental.  What are your plans? I continue to make progress on the baby blanket and my sweater.  Both are thoroughly enjoyable and I love how I am 'in the moment' whenever I work on either one.  I cannot imagine my life wi

Midway Advent

  I posted the kids the Christmas presents from us and now I am ready. This is the first time I am ready for Christmas this early in December, I wanted my packages out before the week before Christmas because I worried that the mail/shipping companies would be overwhelmed. This Christmas is a simplified Christmas and we are ready to enjoy a different kind of celebration. While I'll be missing my kids, I will be joyful and thankful for all that we have.  Earlier this week we had some unexpected snow which was delightful to wake up and see. Most of the snow melted by mid afternoon and the snow didn't impact any plans. We are having a tiny warm up this weekend so I doubt there will be snow surprises.  I continue to do a daily sketch with some watercolors added. The paper is mixed media and sadly doesn't hold up well when lots of water is added. I knew this going in so I'm at peace with the warped paper.   Did you see my sweater in the top photo? I am giddy with excitement


  How was your weekend? Yesterday my in-real-life knitter friends had our annual Christmas exchange. We met in a driveway and socially distanced while dropping off our gifts for each other while wearing masks.  We have not all been together since March. Later in the afternoon we zoomed and opened them. It was fun to do an annual tradition no matter what.  Look at all the goodies I received! The weekend sped by.  I spent most of the day yesterday doing laundry and wrapping the kids presents so I can get them shipped today.  I'm curious to see how much this is going to cost! But then I am saving tons of money on gas and traveling, right?  I believe I am done with shopping for the two of us and I have only a few more gifts to wrap up. Overall our Christmas is simplified and that makes planning so easy. I also did daily sketching, knitting and reading.  I'm stuffing my days with what brings me joy. How was your weekend?

Because I Can

  How was your Thanksgiving (for those of you in the USA)? I had a lovely Thanksgiving. It was just the two of us and I enjoyed the non-traveling and the cosiness of being home. I missed the kids and I missed my family. I had phone calls and zoom meetings and that bridge the gap of being together.  I've decorated my house earlier this year because I can. It's our third year with the 'smaller' tree because of Miss Holly the Cat and her inquisitiveness. So far she has not tried to climb into the tree. We have the tree bungee corded to the wall just in case. I'm one step ahead of her, or so I would like to think so. Because I can, I am choosing to focus on creativity and mindfulness. Each morning I set an intention and think of what I want my day to be like. Sometimes I follow those intentions and sometimes I forget those intentions. The beauty of each morning consists of a brand new slated day - the newness and openness is a treasure. Because I can, I repeatedly list


  How was your weekend? First of all, thank you thank you thank you for the birthday wishes. My birthday was wonderful and filled with phone calls all day long from family and friends. Even though I celebrated with my husband and the pets, I felt loved by all. My pumpkin pie was delicious and the day was serene. Over the weekend I started decorating for Christmas, why not? I'll put up the tree some time this week. It's been joyful to look at the decorations and feel the spirit of the holidays slowly approaching. Usually I decorate after Thanksgiving but since we are going no where and seeing no one the rules have been broken and I'm doing whatever I want. On Saturday afternoon while sitting outside (OUTSIDE! in November) I received a beautiful birthday gift from my daughter and son in law. Polish pottery hand crafted, stunningly gorgeous. I have precariously set them out so that Miss Holly will not go near them, they're blockaded by other knick knacks. Even though she i

Other Easters

We walked every day this week except yesterday because of the winds and crazy intermittent rainy weather.  Today as I type this there are tiny snowflakes - what?  I remember one Easter when there was about six inches of snow and my spring dress with short sleeves was very lacking as we headed off to church.  Let's hope there isn't a snowfall this weekend. I believe this is the first Easter I will not be with my family.  The first Easter I will not be physically attending Mass.  I will be watching virtual Mass on Youtube though, and it counts!  I'll be missing my family but you know what?  We will have other Easters and we will gather soon before you know it.  I am grateful everyone is healthy and safe.  I am hugely grateful for technology! I have an Easter meal planned and of course we have some much needed Easter candy for the two of us. I have phone calls, texting and zoom meetings to be with my family.  This will go down in my journal as a learning experie