
Showing posts with the label knitting

Knitting News

  Hello! How are you all doing? We had such a great time babysitting our grandson. We are exhausted, ha ha. I definitely used muscles I haven't used since I babysat the toddler girl a few years ago. So glad that I do all that exercising! Anyways, I am working on a super secret project that doesn't have a photo or a project page. I ran out of yarn and am waiting for the new yarn to arrive. Once my secret is over, I'll share it with you, I promise. Above is my hat which I am working on in bits. I love this pattern and the quince yarn. I'm not a fan of bobbles but these bobbles are endearing!  What are you working on this week?  I hope to be visiting you all today and tomorrow :)

Passion Socks

  Good morning to you!! How has your week been? Have you been crafting away? There's been a ton of knitting here but it's behind the scenes knitting - you know hush hush knitting.  So I finished my husband's socks just in time for Christmas Day! I tucked them into his stocking and he loves them so. I usually pick a green color way since it's his favorite color but his back up favorite is purple. I could knit socks every day if given a chance. My knitting goals are to knit for me (us) until February or March then go back to knitting for others. What are you working on this week? 

Knitting News

  I am addicted to knitting this hat . I want to enjoy and savor the knitting and not rush through it. But then on the other hand, we are heading towards a severe cold snap and another hat in my rotation would be delightful to wear.  Not in the photo is a pair of socks for my husband that I'm trying to finish by Christmas Day. I think I can! I knit them right in front of him and he hasn't a single clue. I finished the first sock and nearing the heel flap of the second sock. What are you working on this week?

Creative Chaos

  Yesterday I started another hat for little old me (as knitters do). Last Christmas, I received t he pattern and yarn from my husband from Quince and Co . I am a huge fan of their wools. I worked on this hat exclusively for the whole afternoon! I decided that my knitting bag needed a clean out and a refresh. So I reorganized the project bags, refiled patterns that I no longer need and tucked away scrap yarns in my yarn closet. Through the chaos there's organization! After a rainy day yesterday, I'm looking forward to walking Frodo and getting some much needed exercise to release my wiggles. Also the 'master list of Christmas tasks' is being drawn up and analyzed. I have yet to decide if I am baking and what I am baking if I am baking.

Knitting News

  I've been mainly working exclusively on two projects this past week. First up is the Good Things Scarf that is easy to knit and fun to knit. I'm using some mini-skeins as well as a gray sock yarn in between the mini-skeins. The other project is the purple socks for my husband - I love to have socks on the needles because I can talk and knit without many mistakes, never say never though.  Then in my imagination is a soon to be hat for me. I haven't started it, but I have been thinking about it!! What are you working on this week?


  Boy oh boy, did this weekend speed on by! I didn't do much outside of the house, but I was engrossed in cross stitching. I am trying my very best to finish this project. I spend about one hour a day (that's all I can manage with white thread on cream background).  I'm also motivated to crank out a pair of socks for my husband. There is a critical need for more hand knit socks. Ah, the knitter's dilemma that delights the soul!! In between knitting and reading I did my weekly chores.  How was your weekend?

Holiday Spirit

  I have been in the holiday spirit for a solid week. Maybe it's because we are near our second Christmas at our new home, and that brings endless cheer. I'm not questioning it too much, I'm basking in the joy I feel. I'm also seeking out Christmas displays where ever I go.  Frodo and I have started walking after lunch instead of in the mornings. The traffic is minimal which leads to me being more present on my daily walk. Also the temperatures are warmed up a bit compared to 8 a.m. We have a good time. All that is missing is a snowflake or two.  Yesterday we went to a local farmer's market and I thoroughly enjoyed their poinsettias on display. Sadly Holly will eat everything that is in a dirt pot so I look instead of buy.  I've been knitting mainly for me - the good things scarf  (in the photo at the top)- in the evenings while we watch a tv show. I am also knitting another pair of socks for my husband in a lovely purple colorway. Technically they are not for

Fetching Mitts Again

  Over the past week or so I've knitted up two pairs of fetching mitts to be gifted to family members. Now I am finally done with gift knitting unless I change my mind again. This pattern is an old favorite of mine that I rely on often. It's a mitt that fits any adult hand and the pattern is easily memorized. Now I'm working on gifts for me - I am mulling over some simple knitted holiday ornaments but so far it's in my imagination. What are you working on this week?

Around Here

  After many months taking a break away from this nearly impossible cross stitch design, I'm back at it, trying my best to stitch it correctly. I have grand plans of finishing this before spring arrives, wish me the best of luck! How are you?  Around here, I've been busy being 'Santa' and wrapping the gifts that needed to be mailed. Every morning I try to do at least a half hour of gift wrapping. This year, I have more holiday spirit than last Christmas season. Maybe I'm more adjusted to living in this house? I have less thoughts of what I miss from my old house, and that's progress.  Around here, my bird feeder is a continuous delight! The raccoon has yet to be messing with my feeder and whenever I'm at the sink I watch MY birds. I love them so. Around here, I'm closing in on finishing my fingerless mitts. I'm on the second mitt of the second pair. Today that mitt will be done. yay. After that I am done with holiday knitting! I can then revert back

Knitting News and a Hat

  Good morning! I'm excited to show you my new hat that I've been wearing on my walks with Frodo. It is a warm hat and that is exactly what I needed. I wished the brim was a little longer and maybe the next time around I will pick a plumper DK wool. Otherwise I am thrilled with the way this hat turned out. I thought I was finished with knitting Christmas gifts and then remembered two more that I needed to whip up. Thankfully mitts are a super speedy knit. I've finished one pair and am currently knitting the second pair. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you all doing today and most of all, how are your projects coming along?  Well I thought I'd have this hat done by now. You see, I took this project to my sister's neighborhood stitching group Monday night and every blessed stitch I knitted had to be undone. That's approximately five rows. I had to un-knit each stitch because of the twisted stitches that occur every single row. I've learned my lesson and will take simple socks from now on. I'm thrilled to report I've fixed the mistake and I've knit back those five rows yesterday! What are you working on this week?

Selfish Knitting, Maybe

  I've been knitting away gleefully on projects that are for me. To be honest, I did cast on another pair of socks for my husband but I had a really good reason. All of my 'me' knitting needs my full attention and when I'm reading a book on my Kindle I require dead simple knitting. That is why I started a pair of socks. I could have made a pair for myself but my husband is hard on hand-knit socks and blows holes in them within 3-4 years (the best yarn is trekking XXL). I still have socks in my drawer that are 20 years old and do not have a single hole. Go figure!  How are you?  Winter weather has arrived here and it is beautiful! I know I am an oddball with my love of winter but golly, it never gets old for me. I've been a winter lover as long as I can remember. My mother (God rest her soul) loved summer and just could not understand my dedication to a season that chilled her to the bone. She would say 'wait until you have to drive in it' and so on. Even whe

Through the Forest Socks

  I finally finished these pair of socks for my husband. I used a memorized pattern from long ago before ravelry days, for me it's mindless and the ultimate comfort knitting. I'm seriously contemplating knitting another pair for him because he keeps putting holes in previous pairs of socks I've knit for him. In his defense they are many years old... Since Monday I've been knitting exclusively for me and the plan is to continue knit for me the whole week long! What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  Good morning! How are you?  All of my knitting goals that I eagerly set have been minimal.  I am having a flare up from the autoimmune disease I have (Sjogren's syndrome) this time it's my eyes that are very dry. I saw the eye doctor yesterday and have some new meds that will take a while to work. Anyways, my knitting isn't at full speed. Okay, many of you are asking what is a cat blanket. My daughter has an elderly cat and I thought she might like a little blanket to lay on and then my daughter can just wash that instead of a whole quilt that the cat sleeps on. You and I both know that cats are surprising and maybe she won't lay on it at all. I'm definitely making two cat mat blankets or three if I'm adventurous. The bottom photo is a hat for me! Yes I did it, I chose the beeswax hat pattern to pair with this gorgeous green wool. I am in love with this project! What are you working on this week?

Home Stretch

  Right before I fell asleep last night I came up with a really good blog post title. I woke up this morning wondering what it was. I think it was 'home stretch' but I'll never know. Home stretch as in I am nearing the end of the gift knitting. I am so close to finishing knitting for the holidays. That gets me giddy! I'll be done earlier than ever before. The above photo is an extra large dishcloth that will be a ' cat mat ' or a cat blanket for my daughter's cat. Her cat loves to cuddle up and sleep in all the unusual places and I thought these little blankets (the plan is to make two) would make it extra cosy for her. I know Holly would lay on it. Frodo is now 13 years old. He is as spunky as ever but has some elevated liver enzymes that the current vet is treating, this isn't a new thing it's been there for a few years. Overall he is doing great.  Our backyard is a sea of oak leaves, one of  my most favorite trees. We had 'tree people' her

Cardinal Christmas Sweater

  Yesterday I finished the second Christmas sweater for my grandson. Phew!  This is the second time I've knit this pattern and the knitting was just as much fun as the first time around. I highly recommend the hyphen pattern One more holiday knitting gift completed. I am nearly done with the holiday knitting as a matter of fact. I'm dreaming of what to cast on for myself. What are you working on this week?

Knitting News

  That sweater is not as a rosy color in real life. It's a dark maroon hue and lovely, I guess the light was hitting the photo in a certain way. The second Christmas sweater for our grandson is gaining progress. I work on it most evenings while splitting my time with the socks in the below photo. The socks are for my husband who is wearing out previous hand made socks and needs his sock stash boosted. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend?  My weekend was a making weekend. I dug out the Christmas ornament for our grandson after a full month of not working on it at all (gnome invasion?). Let's see if I can work on it each day and get this finished soon. I also worked steadily on my Grandson's SECOND Christmas sweater in a larger size than the first one I knit him which fits him right now. Overall it was a glorious weekend!! How was yours?

Museum Outing

Yesterday we went to the the Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History and had a great time. One of the better decisions we made earlier in the springtime was to purchase memberships that gives us admission to four museums in the Pittsburgh area.  After the museum, we went out to lunch then headed off to the local yarn store so I could buy some wool for our grandson's SECOND Christmas sweater. The first sweater he is already wearing at 8 months old even though I knit the 18 month old size. I cast on last night for a 2 year old size, let's hope he grows slowly and it fits for the holidays! Oh and that purple Malabrigo sock yarn is for a future pair of socks for my husband. Even though I am not sketching daily, I am trying my best to sketch when I remember. For some reason I'm in the mood for graphite sketching. Yesterday morning before sunrise, I spied the moon spying on me!  I loved our outing in the city but I loved more coming home, starting a knitting project and drinki

The Gnomes

  All I've been doing is thinking about gnomes and knitting gnomes . The photo shows seven completed and number eight which is the LAST one needs a beard and he is completed. The pattern is Nice to Gnome You . I used left over worsted weight wools from deep stash and went crazy with the color combining. The crazier I went with color combing the more I liked the gnomes. This morning number eight will be finished and I will be thankful. My hands are sore from the double pointed needle knitting. These little guys are all Christmas gifts. I must say it was ultra satisfying to knit something that is a stash buster! What are you working on this week?