
Showing posts with the label Frodo

Knitting News

  As of last night, I have 22 teeth made and have many many more to go on this hitchhiker shawl . Since July started, I've been slacking off on the daytime knitting and only knitting in the evenings. I've been in a reading mood most afternoons. I do this every year and know that I will be energized to knit more when the autumn season approaches. What are you working on this week?


  How was your weekend? My weekend was restful and felt like a mini-vacation. I ate lunch every day out on the back patio, enjoying the nice weather in between the raindrops. I'm grateful that we are not super-super hot, just regular warm weather pushing humid. Frodo and I walked early each morning before the full sun and or heat was blaring down. The neighborhood is quiet except for the birds singing. More flowers are blooming in our yard, my husband did so much work last year and we are reaping the benefits this year. I mostly read this weekend for hours on end. The library ebook,  Spare,  became available Friday afternoon and I quickly started reading the memoir. I'm also trying to finish A Dying Fall by Elly Griffiths before the next ebook becomes available through the library. July might be a massive reading month for me. I work a little bit each day on the baby cross stitch sampler, I'm over half way done! How was your weekend?

Animal Mayhem

  This has been a good week, I've been able to walk most days and I try my best to get outside before it's too hot for both me and dear old Frodo. I'll take him for his short jaunt around the neighborhood then I go back out after taking him home for my longer walk. This walking rhythm is nice.  How are you?  Two days ago, Holly decided to be a mischievous cat and taunt her friend (nemesis). She first hid behind the drapery getting a 'look see' on sleeping Frodo. I love the concern in her eyes. Then she decided to move around behind the couch, she made sure that when he smelled her presence she was visible but out of reach. That is the game. He cannot hear but boy oh boy can he catch her scent and see pretty good. There was barking and hissing. Frodo was so happy! And you know what? Holly was happy as well. She is the one who started the game and she had opportunities to leave the family room and chose not to leave. My husband and I gave up trying to watch TV because...


  What a glorious weekend! I finished all the baby knitting (for now....). How exciting to cross off all the knitting goals. On Sunday, I started the baby birth sampler which should go smoothly. I can see the fabric (thanks Aida cloth!) and there's no silly backstitching. The hot weather has ended for now. This morning it was chilly, yay. We are hosting a baby shower this coming weekend and so I have many lists going on at the same time trying to remember everything I want to do or buy before Friday. We also have a family reunion party on the weekend as well. This weekend was all about BIG salads for dinner, sitting on the back patio and starting a new book - Beth Moore's memoir All My Knotted Up Life . I was super excited when the library hold email alerted me. How was your weekend?


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was wonderful and ordinary. On Saturday we drove up to visit my dad and step mom and had lunch with them. He is doing really well and is thrilled to be discharged from all specialists. Now he is busy with his garden and living life. On Saturday night, my sister and brother in law came over for dinner and game board night. We had lots of fun together. On Sunday we attended Mass then I did all the laundry and cleaning that I usually do in the afternoon. My yarn arrived on Friday afternoon and I had a chance on Sunday afternoon to start the baby sweater in the lavender worsted weight wool. My son and daughter in law and my grandson will be visiting in less than three weeks and I want to have the sweater, hat and little blanket completed and wrapped up. Wish me luck! (I really think this is doable because of how tiny each project is...) My daughter and son in law pleasantly surprised me with a bouquet of flowers for Mother's day. The are cheer...

Ordinary Days

  How are you? Well this week was kind of slow but kind of busy. Every day there is something on the calendar which chops up the rhythm of knitting like a madwoman. I have knitting goals! After finishing the baby blanket I'm starting a baby sweater and hat as soon as the yarn arrives in the mail today. All the trees are leafed out and spring is fully spring. Frodo and I are enjoying sitting outside for a bit to soak up some fresh air. He can't hear too well but he still can see. He loves to bark at people walking the neighborhood.  Yesterday, my husband and I went to the Art museum and then out to lunch. There was an exhibit that was ending next week that we 'had' to see. That whole time my dad was in 'ICU - hospital - rehab' stopped us from exploring our museum memberships. My dad is doing well! He is discharged from all the specialists that saved his life.  After all the traveling and then hosting company, my body is yearning for lots of exercise and eating at...


  Don't you love the candid photos of Holly, she always looks like she's feeling guilty of something. This photo was taken around 5:30 in the morning and I have never seen her sleep on that chair. Amazing! How are you? How was your weekend? My weekend was wet. I feel like we are in the rainy season. Today I have all the lights on to make me feel like there is brightness somewhere in my world. Friday night we went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner and game night. Our game nights have been on hiatus due to my dad doing his ICU thing. (he's doing well at home!!). So we are easing back into our regular habits. Saturday I didn't do much except read or knit. I kind of wallowed in rainy day despair. Sunday is different, I'm completely ignoring the weather to the best of my ability and making my on sunny day. I painted a bit and did the laundry.  I'm getting excited about the baby blanket progress. I dug through deep deep stash and unearthed so...


  How was your weekend? Ours was upside down but overall nice.  Yesterday I had every intention to go to Mass but when I talked to my husband and heard how congested I was (allergies? cold?) I decided no one wanted to be near me and if I was contagious I didn't want to share my germs. With additional medicines, my husband is finally feeling a bit better. Fingers are crossed he has crossed over to good health after two weeks of symptoms. We cancelled going over to my sister and brother in law's house for Easter dinner. However, my sister kindly brought dinner to us! How sweet is that? I am beyond grateful and dinner was delicious. I managed to knit the second sock and have completed turning the heel and picking up the gusset. I am so close to the sock being finished now.


  Hello! How are you all doing? If you celebrate Easter, are you ready? My sister is hosting this year and it will be a very small gathering. This week has been relaunching my 'regular' life. After playing catchup with all that was left undone before we went to Indiana, I've been slowly re-entering my daily habits. My husband is still dealing with a nasty asthma flare up. These spring allergies are crazy! During an intense heat up in one day, we quickly assembled our back patio only to welcome back cold cold weather. Yesterday it rained all day and I drove up to my dad's house for a little visit. I haven't seen him since he was in the hospital. Frodo strained a shoulder muscle before our trip and is good as new after his kennel stay. He is back at 'patrolling' the neighborhood. (patrolling is code for barking). He loves when the kids get off the bus! I've been seeking inspiration in my life. Whenever I think of a meal that we both like and I haven't ...


  Yesterday my dad was transferred out of ICU (22 days!) into a regular room in the hospital, we are overjoyed! Of course he has a ways to go in his recovery and we hope within a week he will be discharged to a rehab place that is closer to his home which will help out my step mom's commute to the city. Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers. Today is a rainy day and while I'm not a fan of overcast days, I do enjoy the forced stillness wet weather gives me. Instead of walking I will be catching up on household tasks.  You know I will be knitting! I am enjoying my sweater currently on my needles.  I'm going to catch up on some reading and journaling as well. Art journaling specifically.  I haven't been creating art for over three weeks and I'm feeling the urge to once again get my supplies out and sketch.  I forgot to share with you the cross stitch picture I finished a while ago. I'm very pleased with how it turned out but I will be shying away from cross...


  Hello! How are you all doing? Life around here has been the same. My dad is still in ICU and we wake up each day hoping that he will be in a regular room. Living with uncertainty is the new normal. However isn't life just uncertainty to different degrees? My dad is better than he was last week and I celebrate that nugget! I have been LOVING watching an early spring emerge. Gosh it's beautiful and therapeutic. I walk around and soak up the sun while taking some photos.  Down in our woods, I spotted this clump of crocuses doing their blooming thing so unassuming and beautiful.  Frodo continues to improve after he tweaked his back, but I do believe his walking for 30-40 minutes at a time are on hold for the time being, maybe forever. We enjoy our 15 minute walks and he comes home so happy to be out and about. Then I go back out for a longer walk. Yesterday I started a sweater for myself (notes forthcoming). I was in the mood for something new on the needles, just for me an...


  Good morning! How was your weekend? We had a restive weekend and mostly stayed home. I did a lot of podcasting-listenting-catching up (not nearly done) and I did some knitting. I'm so happy that Frodo is slowly feeling better. I wish he could talk and give me explicit details of his ailments but I guess I have to use my observational skills. He is still restricted on his daily walks, I'm assuming that might be for a few weeks?  The birds are singing and the crocuses are blooming like it is Spring time. I am holding my breath for a major snow fall. We continue to have mild temperatures and sunshine! Yesterday was beautiful, we went for a walk at the local park after Mass (without Frodo, so sad).  I hope you have a wonderful week!


  How has your week been?  I'm excited to tell you all about the crocuses that are blooming while we had an unusual warm up that is ending today. My husband was working in our little woods and shared a photo with me. Then yesterday, I was in the front yard and spotted these crocuses blooming. I hope it isn't too early for them. Sadly where the snowdrops usually bloom, the deer have been nibbling on them.  Frodo has been having a rough week. We went on two walks last Sunday and he must have strained or did something to his back, that is the best guess we can get between our observations and conversations with the vet.  Monday morning, Miss Holly had a vet checkup and we expended all our energy catching her and putting her in her carrier that she detests. Well she detests being caught as well.  So while we were there we discussed her brother's ailments. So Frodo has been on 'bedrest' -- meaning no lengthy walks and has some pain medication. He is improving and for...

Change of Plans

  This morning my husband and I were planning a trip to Indiana to attend our sweet grandson's first birthday party. I wasn't feeling that great last week and early this week went to urgent care for a salivary gland infection and am on meds. The healing has been slow-going (I'm extremely impatient!). I'm seeing a specialist next week thankfully. Anyways, whenever we travel my dry eye and dry mouth symptoms (due to Sjogren's syndrome) are worse. I can only guess it's something to do with the long car ride and the dry air circulation in the car. Besides not feeling the best, I knew the car ride would not help me continue to recover. So we canceled. I haven't done much of anything this week except drink lots of water, finish reading a book or two and of course put in a few rows of knitting here and there. 


  Good morning, this post is brought to you today from the glorious moon shot I snapped yesterday morning. I wish you were there because it is better in real person. How are you? My weekend was pretty okay.  Yesterday, Miss Holly the cat who likes to create mayhem decided to bite her way into the bottom of our loveseat (we blocked her a month or so ago from the 'burrow' she made in the couch). So after Mass, we drove to Joann Fabrics to buy cloth that is densely woven. Apparently this is a cat 'thing'. The cashier and the fabric cutter have heard stories of cats doing this.... I bet this behavior keeps Joann Fabrics in business. After lunch we staple-gunned the new fabric over the old and now she has been thwarted once again. ha ha. I am satisfied I out smart a cat. Frodo has been doing really well since it's been a week after his teeth cleaning and a week of preventative antibiotic which I believe upsets his stomach a tiny bit. He and I are thrilled the medicine is...

Abundance and Gratitude

  I don't usually chose a word for the year but this year I have a theme. Since September when all the new planners were coming out and I was envying most of them I decided to purchase a Hobonichi Techo. I will use it for daily journaling about my gratitudes and abundance in my ordinary life.  In previous years, I journaled each morning about the day before (and I am continuing doing this in another notebook) and ended the entry with a list of gratitudes. For 2023 I separated the two and now will be writing daily what I am grateful for and why. My days easily get caught up with perceived minor stresses and I wanted a way to refocus, regroup and bask in all the wonderfulness in my day. There is so much goodness in a day! I want to magnify the ordinary abundance. For example: being able to walk daily, having fun outings with my husband, overall good health, etc.  Also for 2023 I am back at reading the bible through in a year after a two year break. I have other little daily...

Creative Chaos

  Yesterday I started another hat for little old me (as knitters do). Last Christmas, I received t he pattern and yarn from my husband from Quince and Co . I am a huge fan of their wools. I worked on this hat exclusively for the whole afternoon! I decided that my knitting bag needed a clean out and a refresh. So I reorganized the project bags, refiled patterns that I no longer need and tucked away scrap yarns in my yarn closet. Through the chaos there's organization! After a rainy day yesterday, I'm looking forward to walking Frodo and getting some much needed exercise to release my wiggles. Also the 'master list of Christmas tasks' is being drawn up and analyzed. I have yet to decide if I am baking and what I am baking if I am baking.