
Showing posts with the label seasons


  How are you all doing? Today is a cooler weather day, you know the kind that feels like fall but isn't fall at all. There is nothing new around here which makes life perfect. I had a campus tour yesterday for my non-credit classes that start in two weeks. I think I know where I'm going, maybe. I definitely know where to park. I am excited for school to start. What an adventure for me! September is going to be a busy month for me, so my posting on this space might be less than usual. I don't want to say definitely, but I feel that skipping a post here and there might be the way to allow for wiggle room in life.  Did you see that acorn?? (Autumn is coming!).  While my heart pines for fall, I am enjoying the late summer days by reading on the back patio with Frodo who tolerates this 'outsideness' for about 30 minutes. I remember when he was a pup and I could not convince him to come inside. At soon to be 14 years old, he enjoys outside limitedly and then wants to go

What Could Be

  Good morning to all of you. How are you doing? Over here we are doing just fine. My knitting has slowed a tiny bit, it seems that my arthritis is having the tiniest of flares so I'm just listening to my body. I believe I am witnessing what could be the ending of summer and the beginning of fall. I know, I know, there are many of you who love summer and I'm trying to let you all enjoy your favorite season. Sadly summer is my least favorite season and I try my best to enjoy the days. I love to sit on the back patio reading a book or knitting, wearing sandals and short sleeved tee shirts. On Monday my husband and I picked up some lunch and drove to the near by park to sit and watch the water and the ducks while we picnicked.  This was after a light rain fall so the temperature felt a little chilly sitting in the pavilion (delightful!). Leaves are starting to drop in my yard and the cicadas are super loud in the middle of the day. On my daily morning walk yesterday I spied acorns


  How was your weekend? My weekend was restful and felt like a mini-vacation. I ate lunch every day out on the back patio, enjoying the nice weather in between the raindrops. I'm grateful that we are not super-super hot, just regular warm weather pushing humid. Frodo and I walked early each morning before the full sun and or heat was blaring down. The neighborhood is quiet except for the birds singing. More flowers are blooming in our yard, my husband did so much work last year and we are reaping the benefits this year. I mostly read this weekend for hours on end. The library ebook,  Spare,  became available Friday afternoon and I quickly started reading the memoir. I'm also trying to finish A Dying Fall by Elly Griffiths before the next ebook becomes available through the library. July might be a massive reading month for me. I work a little bit each day on the baby cross stitch sampler, I'm over half way done! How was your weekend?

Indoor Fun

  Yesterday the air quality was horrible so we decided to have an indoor date. We first went to our favorite place for lunch for a quick bite then went to the Carnegie Museum of Art for the Joan Brown exhibit .  The paintings were fantastic to see in person! I felt very lucky to live near a city and to have a yearly membership to a group of museums that not only have a wonderful permanent collections but also have exhibits throughout the year that change.  Today the air has improved slightly but not enough for my daily walks to resume. I miss them. Frodo and I get out and about, to clean the cobwebs out of our minds. My daily walks are for physical and mental fitness. Hopefully tomorrow will be a great outdoor day.  I picked up a sweater that I started back in March and continually wonder if I have enough yarn (I doubt it) and wonder if I can creatively add another color (that is to be determined). I guess right now I am going to knit through the second skein of five skeins and see wh


  I had such a good time this weekend with our daughter and son in law. We drove a little north to a restaurant that has beautiful outdoor seating for our lunch on Saturday. Since moving to western PA, my husband and I rarely eat out and therefore do not have a list of great restaurants. I cannot remember which family member recommended this restaurant but it was nice and we would go again. After lunch, we shopped at a few stores before returning home to prepare for extended family to come visit and have dessert. I appreciate my aunt and my sister for making desserts and spending time with us on the back patio. The weather was perfect! Sunday morning, we said goodbye to our company and attended morning Mass. I did the laundry and cleaned the house. After lunch my husband and I went to yet another garden store to purchase this St. Francis statue. We've been on the lookout for this statue since last summer. We are picky and the the statues are rare to find. My cousin recommended this


  I'm delighting in the ordinary days of approaching summertime. During nice weather (as in not raining) I go for my walks and notice the changes in nature. This week the tree frogs have started to sing. In March I cannot wait for trees to leaf out and wonder when it will occur. In June I feel like I didn't pay enough attention to the changes for spring.  Around here the kids are done with school and I love to listen to the neighborhood laughter.  For the party last week, my husband quickly filled some pots with annuals to brighten up the deck, their pops of color fill me with delight whenever I'm washing my dishes and looking out from the window.  Many times this week I dabbled with paints and pens, exploring new ways to be more loose in my work. Not an easy task but it's fun to try. Letting go of expectations and exploring without a means to an end is the most delightful way to spend some creative time. What has delighted you this week?


  What a glorious weekend! I finished all the baby knitting (for now....). How exciting to cross off all the knitting goals. On Sunday, I started the baby birth sampler which should go smoothly. I can see the fabric (thanks Aida cloth!) and there's no silly backstitching. The hot weather has ended for now. This morning it was chilly, yay. We are hosting a baby shower this coming weekend and so I have many lists going on at the same time trying to remember everything I want to do or buy before Friday. We also have a family reunion party on the weekend as well. This weekend was all about BIG salads for dinner, sitting on the back patio and starting a new book - Beth Moore's memoir All My Knotted Up Life . I was super excited when the library hold email alerted me. How was your weekend?

Flower Story

  Good morning! How are you during this warmer than usual week? Today will be 90 degrees, oh my! I am trying to ignore the hot as best as I can.  Frodo and I sit outside on the back patio for little bits until one of us is too hot. It's a system! I've been working on that little blanket (final knit for now) for the granddaughter-to-be and hopefully will finish it tomorrow or definitely Sunday. I do not have enough yarn, so the blanket will be the size that it ends up! This week I've watched my ONE peony blossom do its magic. Every morning I check the status, always amazed at the beauty of it all. My sister just gave us more peonies to plant and every morning when they are watered I send lots of well wishes and hopefulness that the transplants take hold during this hot week. Easing back into a consistent art habit has been bumpy but I've found that being lenient on myself helps. I just do what is inspiring me. The other day was a doodle page with ONE bold fine line marke

Ordinary Days

  How are you? Well this week was kind of slow but kind of busy. Every day there is something on the calendar which chops up the rhythm of knitting like a madwoman. I have knitting goals! After finishing the baby blanket I'm starting a baby sweater and hat as soon as the yarn arrives in the mail today. All the trees are leafed out and spring is fully spring. Frodo and I are enjoying sitting outside for a bit to soak up some fresh air. He can't hear too well but he still can see. He loves to bark at people walking the neighborhood.  Yesterday, my husband and I went to the Art museum and then out to lunch. There was an exhibit that was ending next week that we 'had' to see. That whole time my dad was in 'ICU - hospital - rehab' stopped us from exploring our museum memberships. My dad is doing well! He is discharged from all the specialists that saved his life.  After all the traveling and then hosting company, my body is yearning for lots of exercise and eating at

Home Sweet Home

  Good morning! How is everyone this morning? I was away visiting my mother-in-law for most of the week with my husband and returned home yesterday afternoon. Oh my, the older I get the more I am a homebody thru and thru. This visit was challenging because I had some weird stomach bug the day I arrived and could barely function.  Thankfully it was short lived but the recovery phase was long and I still don't feel quite like myself. It was nice to see family but it was even nicer to be home. Sadly I did not take many photos. I did knit in the car though!  Believe it or not, the sun is out! I feel like a vampire squinting and shielding my eyes, ha ha. Later today after the BIG blog reading catch up and internet stuff catch up, I'll walk Frodo and soak in the sunshine. Maybe it'll be warm enough to sit on the back patio. Gratitudes: -my bed - my kitchen - my coffee mug - my coffee! - silence - Frodo snuggles - phone calls from the kids - mighty to do lists! - big salads - suns


  Don't you love the candid photos of Holly, she always looks like she's feeling guilty of something. This photo was taken around 5:30 in the morning and I have never seen her sleep on that chair. Amazing! How are you? How was your weekend? My weekend was wet. I feel like we are in the rainy season. Today I have all the lights on to make me feel like there is brightness somewhere in my world. Friday night we went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner and game night. Our game nights have been on hiatus due to my dad doing his ICU thing. (he's doing well at home!!). So we are easing back into our regular habits. Saturday I didn't do much except read or knit. I kind of wallowed in rainy day despair. Sunday is different, I'm completely ignoring the weather to the best of my ability and making my on sunny day. I painted a bit and did the laundry.  I'm getting excited about the baby blanket progress. I dug through deep deep stash and unearthed so

Rainy Friday

  Good morning to all of you on this rainy Friday morning. This past week I enjoyed lots of sunny days and so I must let them go and welcome the rain. I'm reminding myself that the flowers will grow and the green will become greener, if that is a word, okay, maybe 'more green'. How are you doing?  I have been enjoying my knitting nearly every single day. And as always creative pursuits are coming along as well. Most of March was a minimally creative experience because of my dad in the hospital. This past Tuesday we drove up to visit him and my step mom and it was wonderful to see him up and about talking and planning out all he wants to do around his property as he continues to feel better. I feel the maximum amount of gratitude. In my creativeness the first thing to disappear during stress is consistent artwork sessions. For some reason, showing up and sketching or painting is the last thing I want to do. I tend to read a bunch or knit a bunch. The knitting is simple and t


  Good morning! How are you doing? How was your weekend? This weekend was quiet and, well, regular. After a crazy couple of months with my dad in the hospital (he is at home and making fantastic progress!) this weekend my sister and brother in law came over for dinner and game night. It has been a long time since we did that.  The weather, of course, is cold again. Frodo and I are having none of it. We huddled under a blanket together yesterday evening.  Even though the weather is cold, the spring-time views are delightful. Besides doing all the weekly household chores, I intensely worked on the baby blanket. I'm delighted with the color and my progress!


  Currently I'm enjoying the spring weather. One day it's cold the next day it's hot. Regardless of whether it's cold or hot, the flowers still bloom and the sun still shines. Yesterday my husband and I sat on the back patio in the afternoon and it felt like summertime. I'm dressing in layers so I am ready for whatever the weather might be.  Currently I'm feeling the urge to paint and sketch. There are no goals, I'm just doing whatever I want on a whim. Doodles are calling me and exploring abstract composition also is inviting. No matter the inspiration, I'm excited to finally be exploring with my art supplies.  Currently Holly is being a bold cat, sneaking in while Frodo sleeps. To her advantage, he cannot hear well so she has more liberty in her movements. She loves to bring toy mice to my husband and there are usually four or five toy mice in areas where he is sitting. So cute.


  Hello! How are you all doing? If you celebrate Easter, are you ready? My sister is hosting this year and it will be a very small gathering. This week has been relaunching my 'regular' life. After playing catchup with all that was left undone before we went to Indiana, I've been slowly re-entering my daily habits. My husband is still dealing with a nasty asthma flare up. These spring allergies are crazy! During an intense heat up in one day, we quickly assembled our back patio only to welcome back cold cold weather. Yesterday it rained all day and I drove up to my dad's house for a little visit. I haven't seen him since he was in the hospital. Frodo strained a shoulder muscle before our trip and is good as new after his kennel stay. He is back at 'patrolling' the neighborhood. (patrolling is code for barking). He loves when the kids get off the bus! I've been seeking inspiration in my life. Whenever I think of a meal that we both like and I haven't