
Showing posts with the label Weekends


  Our weekend was wonderful, how was yours? On Saturday morning my sister and I had an outing and did some shopping. Our favorite smoothie shop closed down a month ago. Instead she has been making the smoothies and they are delicious. We were both home by lunch time.  Over the weekend I found a mistake on my grandson's sweater so I had to rip it out and fix the mistake. It was a mistake I couldn't live with (aren't they all?). I am almost back to where I was before I ripped it out. Twice the knitting fun! Sunday morning, we attended Mass and afterwards I visited my aunt and cousin for an hour. I did the laundry and cleaned parts of the house. The weather is heating up for the week and I'm pretending that isn't happening. I hope this is the last heat event of the year.


  How was your weekend? Thank you so much for the well wishes, I am feeling much better. Modern medicine has yet to fail me.  My weekend was fun! On Saturday, we had my sister and brother in law over for dinner and dessert. I made chili, cornbread, salad and a pumpkin pie. I celebrated fall.  On Sunday, we drove to southeastern Ohio for the day for our granddaughter's baptism. Afterwards we attended a little luncheon. We had fun seeing everyone and being with family. Our grandson was great fun, full of smiles and hugs. Our ride home was slightly delayed due to a major accident on the highway, my family in another car was stuck in that traffic jam due to the highway being shut down for over four hours. I am grateful I was home by dinner time and felt awful for my aunt and cousins who didn't get home until 9:30 - 10:00 in the evening. I worked on my grandson's Christmas sweater  in the car and had a wonderful time knitting a short project.


  Good morning! How was your weekend?  Mine was relaxing. After we returned home on Thursday from seeing the grandchildren in Indiana, my Friday was a catch up day. Saturday and Sunday were completely relaxing.  Saturday I fiddled about with organizing my online photos for 2020, 2021 and 2022 (yes woefully behind but done!). I still have to save some photos on this computer to save to a flash drive yet. Isn't it silly to be virtually organizing? Remember when we had physical copies of everything and would place the photos in photo albums? Saturday afternoon, I read books and worked on the last hitchhiker shawl (still not done). Sunday after Mass, I did laundry and cleaned the house somewhat. I read some more and knitted some more. That last hitchhiker shawl is taking forever but I am so close to being finished. I'm sure we are still going to have hot weather but honestly it's been refreshing to be cold in the mornings and see the changes in the trees. Fall is rushing in and


  How was your weekend? I had a fabulous one. Nothing much happened and I guess that is what I like most of all, nothing happening. I did a lot of knitting and a  lot of reading. Friday evening we went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner. After dessert and a quick board game, she gave me a tour of her beautiful garden where I captured some pretty photos. Saturday was all the knitting and reading and then back to knitting, so so so good!! Sunday we went to church and I did a bazillion household chores. (I'd rather be knitting or reading!). I tried a new shampoo and my hair is all over the place. I can't decide if it's a win or fail.  While I was walking Frodo around the house, I spied this maple leaf wishing me good things to come. I don't care how hot it gets or how humid (and it is humid = hair all over the place) I know and you know that FALL is coming and there are signs of it's arrival. That is all I need.


  Good morning! I'm popping in here for a quick hello since the weekend is still going strong today because it's Labor Day. Yesterday, we had lunch at my dad and stepmom's house along with my sister and brother in law. The food was delicious and the flowers were beautiful!  On Saturday, my sister and I went shopping and had great fun. I bought more yarn even though I swore I would not buy more yarn and would faithfully knit from my never-ending stash. I swear the purchases were 'necessary'. I am hopefully finishing a Christmas stocking today for our newly minted granddaughter. The yarn is acrylic, so my hands are very sore. I cannot wait to return to my sweater knitting.  How was your weekend?


  Our sweet little granddaughter, Esther, was born over the weekend and so I need to stitch her name and her birthdate on the sampler as well as looking into framing it. We cannot wait to meet her in person and see our grandson! We are lucky that her parents are sharing lots of photos with us until that day comes. How was your weekend? I started striping in my 'other' yarn to finish off my sweater. So far I like how it's looking and hope I have enough with these two colors, I have a plan if I do not but let's hope adding the off white is all I need to do!! While knitting, I've been thinking about all that I want to knit for the holidays and realize that I need to start knitting soon if I want to knit all that I want to knit.


  Good morning! How was your weekend?  On Saturday, I did some early morning errand running and was home by 10 a.m. and spent the rest of the day enjoying the fall-like weather. Wearing a sweatshirt in the morning was decadent. I love when there are hints of fall as we are knee-deep in late summer. Today the heat and humidity return, sigh. Sunday was a relaxing day, I rearranged my journaling supplies and cleaned out my knitting bag. I'm making room for new projects and for new holiday knitting. My husband and I sat out on the back patio in the afternoons and enjoy what summer was offering to us over the weekend. As the weather heats up again, our afternoon patio time will shift to mid morning. My non-credit classes start in a few weeks. I'm taking: two history classes and Tai Chi. I'm ready for my school adventure.


  How was your weekend? Mine was nice. Another weekend home doing my regular stuff. On Friday, I had a sister outing and in the morning we stopped to feed the chickens my sister is babysitting. They were all so cute! We picked up smoothies and shopped at a few stores before heading home. I'm having the tiniest arthritis flare, so I've been taking it easy and staying out of the sun, heat and humidity which makes it worse. I'm in a knitting mood so that just aligns with my values these days. I did some art journaling as well. The iris below has decided to bloom a few months late. We've had thunderstorms over the weekend that were intense but luckily Frodo cannot hear them and slept through the noise. Holly can hear them and she doesn't like them at all. How was our weekend?


  Good morning to all of you, I hope you had a restful weekend. This past weekend was super boring and just what I needed after all the travels we had the weekend before in Cambridge MA. On Saturday morning, my sister and I took a long walk through the neighborhood and the adjoining trail through the woods that left me feeling exhausted, but the good kind of exhausted. My husband and I spent lots of time on the back patio with Frodo, reading or eating or both. Sometimes it just gets too hot out there and so I go back inside. Because of my intense desire for fall, and yet we are a long ways away from an awesome season, I started a pair of fingerless mitts for me. After this pair, I will make a pair for my husband. Doing this has help my yearnings for cold weather, for now. I did a lot of laundry (!) and list making for the upcoming week. How was your weekend?


  view from our hotel window Hello! How are you? Well, I've been a traveling woman. We drove (drove!) up to Cambridge Massachusetts on Friday. Ten and a half long hours in a car to visit our daughter and son in law. We had a great time. We stay at the same hotel in Porter Square which is about a mile from their apartment.  Besides eating lots of great food the entire weekend (sorry no photos), we went to the Museum of Fine Arts on Saturday. On Sunday after Mass and donuts, we hung out in Harvard Square doing lots of shopping then went to the Harvard art museum. I bought many notebooks, novels, washi tape and bars of chocolate, all necessities. My husband found a work planner that is set up the way he likes it with the week on the left page and notes on the right page. Yesterday we were up at 4 a.m. to leave so we could be at the dog kennel to pick up sweet Frodo before they closed for the day. We had a wonderful time but golly, I am feeling old these days. I'm sore from head to


  Good morning!  On Saturday my sister and brother in law invited us for dinner but we did not play any board games this time. They had a busy day and wanted to relax after dinner. My husband has been joining me for walks because he has those stitches in his arm and is restricted in his activities, it's nice to have him along.  Now that the weather is getting hotter, I walk earlier and earlier to beat the heat. Frodo and I do not like hot and humid weather, but you know that about us already. I worked on the sweater that probably doesn't have enough yarn, but I do have a pretty good plan that I'm excited about. I'm over half way through the first sleeve, thoroughly enjoying my time knitting.  On Sunday I attended 7:30 am Mass enjoying the cool church (no AC!!). Once home, I blitzed the laundry chores and tidying up spaces. My husband and I have lunch on the back patio before the day gets too hot.  How was your weekend?


  How was your weekend? My weekend was interesting. We celebrated my dad's 82nd birthday yesterday and it was wonderful to be all together with family and to see him healthy and living large after all those bleak ICU days.  Unfortunately my husband fell off of his bike on a state park trail near my dad's house before lunch. We ended up at urgent care for a deep cut on his elbow with some stitches. Today he sees a specialist to make sure all the 'foreign bodies' are out of the wound. I am grateful that my step-mom, sister and brother in law assessed the damages because I am not great at the sight of blood, ha ha ha. Today we get a new furnace and AC installed, I am so excited!!


  I had such a good time this weekend with our daughter and son in law. We drove a little north to a restaurant that has beautiful outdoor seating for our lunch on Saturday. Since moving to western PA, my husband and I rarely eat out and therefore do not have a list of great restaurants. I cannot remember which family member recommended this restaurant but it was nice and we would go again. After lunch, we shopped at a few stores before returning home to prepare for extended family to come visit and have dessert. I appreciate my aunt and my sister for making desserts and spending time with us on the back patio. The weather was perfect! Sunday morning, we said goodbye to our company and attended morning Mass. I did the laundry and cleaned the house. After lunch my husband and I went to yet another garden store to purchase this St. Francis statue. We've been on the lookout for this statue since last summer. We are picky and the the statues are rare to find. My cousin recommended this


  How was your weekend? On Saturday afternoon, we went to a graduation party for my cousin's son that was fun. I wasn't the host so I was able to relax and enjoy the company.  Yesterday, we went to my dad's house for a lunch and to celebrate Father's day. We had a great time, ate really good food and relaxed with each other on his back porch. Three weeks ago I removed our regular bird feeder because that pesky raccoon came by and ate all of the birdseed, grr. I swapped out the bird feeder with a thistle feeder (raccoons do not eat thistle supposedly). To my delight I spied two goldfinches Saturday morning!  Late afternoon yesterday I braved the air quality and sat outside for a bit enjoying the beautiful day, reading a book and watching Frodo watch the world.  How was your weekend?


 Hello! How was your weekend? Mine was over the top busy and it's going to take a whole week to get over the busy. Our son and daughter in law and grandson left later this morning because of an unexpected oil leak. However a kind above-and-beyond local tire auto store took care of them within an hour and a half. We already give our business to them but gosh we'll be telling everyone how speedy they were to get them on their way. On Saturday, we had the family reunion which was lovely. It was so nice to see all of my cousins some that I haven't seen in 15 years. (I didn't recognize a few but they recognized me!). The food was delicious. Later that evening we went out to dinner. Sunday morning we went to Mass then we prepared for the baby shower party. Oh my. I was overwhelmed by how much my local family helped me out. We had about 34 people attend. After the party, two families stayed for dinner. I believe everyone had a great time. I thoroughly enjoyed my grandson, mayb


  What a glorious weekend! I finished all the baby knitting (for now....). How exciting to cross off all the knitting goals. On Sunday, I started the baby birth sampler which should go smoothly. I can see the fabric (thanks Aida cloth!) and there's no silly backstitching. The hot weather has ended for now. This morning it was chilly, yay. We are hosting a baby shower this coming weekend and so I have many lists going on at the same time trying to remember everything I want to do or buy before Friday. We also have a family reunion party on the weekend as well. This weekend was all about BIG salads for dinner, sitting on the back patio and starting a new book - Beth Moore's memoir All My Knotted Up Life . I was super excited when the library hold email alerted me. How was your weekend?


  Hello! How was your weekend? Mine is still going strong since today is a national holiday. Over the weekend I finished the baby sweater and hat knitting (yay!) and started a little baby blanket. We are hosting a baby shower in less than two weeks and maybe, just maybe I'll reach my knitting goals. I'm over half way with the Agatha Christie book which is interesting. It's funny how some of the content is dated and doesn't reflect the current times. Overall it's an enjoyable book. On Saturday, we went to a garden center to buy more flowers for the front beds. Of course we are with the challenge of buying deer resistant plants. Those pesky creatures love to snip off fresh growth or blossoms. Grr.  Sunday was relaxing and today I hope to do the same. Lots of knitting and reading. I'll try to get my walk in before the day heats up!


  Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was wonderful and ordinary. On Saturday we drove up to visit my dad and step mom and had lunch with them. He is doing really well and is thrilled to be discharged from all specialists. Now he is busy with his garden and living life. On Saturday night, my sister and brother in law came over for dinner and game board night. We had lots of fun together. On Sunday we attended Mass then I did all the laundry and cleaning that I usually do in the afternoon. My yarn arrived on Friday afternoon and I had a chance on Sunday afternoon to start the baby sweater in the lavender worsted weight wool. My son and daughter in law and my grandson will be visiting in less than three weeks and I want to have the sweater, hat and little blanket completed and wrapped up. Wish me luck! (I really think this is doable because of how tiny each project is...) My daughter and son in law pleasantly surprised me with a bouquet of flowers for Mother's day. The are cheer


  Hello friends! How are you doing? How was your weekend? My brother in law and sister in law from Ottawa, Ontario visited us from Wednesday afternoon through Sunday morning. We haven't seen them since September 2019 and we were grateful they drove down here to visit us after visiting my mother in law. On Thursday, we took them to the Phipps Conservatory . (I know I was there just last Sunday!) My husband and I enjoyed the second pass through the greenhouses.  On Friday morning we went to the Strip district  and walked around dropping into some stores then having lunch at a local pizza shop. On Saturday, we visited the Carnegie Science Center so they could see the miniature train display. Each day we went out for lunch and then I cooked dinner at home. The weather was spectacular so dinner was outside on the patio. We had the best time ever.  We did lots and lots of talking, laughing and catching up. I did little to no knitting!  How was your weekend?